My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 249 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ʹˢ˥ ˧˛˘ Ѓˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟ ˬ˘˔˥ ˘ˡ˗˘˗ ʦʤ ʷ˘˖˘ˠ˕˘˥ ʥʣʥʤ (CONT’D) 48. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONT’D) 48.5 FAIR VALUE INFORMATION (cont’d) Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Carried At Fair Value Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Not Carried At Fair Value Total Fair Value Carrying Amount Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 The Group 2020 Financial Assets Other investments: - unquoted investments - 108,640 29,360 - - - 138,000 138,000 Financing receivables - - - - 229,631 - 229,631 229,631 Short-term investments - 116,347 - - - - 116,347 116,347 Financial Liabilities Term loans - - - - 128,010 - 128,010 128,010 Revolving credit - - - - 21,100 - 21,100 21,100 Block discounting - - - - 16,408 - 16,408 16,408