My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 231 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ʹˢ˥ ˧˛˘ Ѓˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟ ˬ˘˔˥ ˘ˡ˗˘˗ ʦʤ ʷ˘˖˘ˠ˕˘˥ ʥʣʥʤ (CONT’D) 48. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONT’D) 48.1 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d) (a) Market Risk (cont’d) (i) Foreign Currency Risk (cont’d) Foreign Currency Exposure (cont’d) United States Dollar Singapore Dollar Others Ringgit Malaysia Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 The Group 2021 Financial Liabilities Trade payables 1,035 - - 100,574 101,609 Other payables and accruals - - 10 67,478 67,488 Amount owing to associates - - - 24 24 Lease liabilities - - - 5,536 5,536 Term loans - - - 106,307 106,307 Revolving credit 20,600 - - 21,100 41,700 Block discounting - - - 12,540 12,540 21,635 - 10 313,559 335,204 Net financial (liabilities)/assets (21,605) 129 2,661 666,414 647,599 Less: Net financial assets denominated in the respective entities’ functional currencies - - - (666,414) (666,414) Currency exposure (21,605) 129 2,661 - (18,815)