My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 223 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ʹˢ˥ ˧˛˘ Ѓˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟ ˬ˘˔˥ ˘ˡ˗˘˗ ʦʤ ʷ˘˖˘ˠ˕˘˥ ʥʣʥʤ (CONT’D) 41. DIVIDENDS (CONT’D) During the financial year, the Company issued a total of 18,380,084 new ordinary shares pursuant to the DRP applicable to the final dividend of 1.70 sen per ordinary share of MYEG for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 at the price of RM1.65 per share which amounted to RM30,327,139. At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, a final dividend of 1.03 sen per ordinary share amounting to approximately RM76.31 million in respect of the current financial year will be proposed for shareholders’ approval. The financial statements for the current financial year do not reflect this proposed dividend. Such dividend, if approved by the shareholders, will be accounted for as a liability in the financial year ending 31 December 2022. 42. CASH FLOW INFORMATION (a) The cash disbursed for the addition of right-of-use assets is as follows:- The Group The Company 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Right-of-use assets Cost of right-of-use assets acquired (Note 10) 9,344 3,674 237 592 Less: Addition of new lease liabilities (Note (b) below) (4,538) (3,635) (237) (592) 4,806 39 - - (b) The reconciliations of liabilities arising from financing activities are as follows:- Term Loans Revolving Credit Block Discounting Lease Liabilities Total The Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2021 At 1 January 2021 128,010 21,100 16,408 5,457 170,975 Changes in Financing Cash Flows Proceeds from drawdown - 20,600 1,773 - 22,373 Repayment of principal (21,703) - (5,641) (4,448) (31,792) Repayment of interests (4,965) (638) (942) (241) (6,786) (26,668) 19,962 (4,810) (4,689) (16,205) Non-cash Changes Acquisition of new leases (Note 26) - - - 4,538 4,538 Interest expense recognised in profit or loss (Note 37) 4,965 638 942 241 6,786 Changes due to lease modification (Note 26) - - - (11) (11) 4,965 638 942 4,768 11,313 At 31 December 2021 106,307 41,700 12,540 5,536 166,083