My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 219 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ʹˢ˥ ˧˛˘ Ѓˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟ ˬ˘˔˥ ˘ˡ˗˘˗ ʦʤ ʷ˘˖˘ˠ˕˘˥ ʥʣʥʤ (CONT’D) 37. PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION (CONT’D) The Group The Company 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Profit before taxation is arrived at after charging/ (crediting):- (Cont’d) Interest expense on financial liabilities that are not at fair value through profit or loss: - revolving credit 638 740 598 691 - term loans 4,965 6,074 4,965 6,074 - block discounting 942 1,147 - - Interest expense on lease liabilities (Note 26) 241 304 17 24 Inventories written down (Note 15) 313 69 - - Loss/(Gain) on foreign exchange: - realised 74 28 - - - unrealised 43 (56) (15) (4) Gain on modification of leases (1) (75) - (2) Lease expenses: - short-term leases 702 407 - 51 - low-value assets 87 157 48 85 - rental of equipment 202 253 47 43 Share of losses in associates 765 937 - - Share of losses in joint ventures 692 699 - - Staff costs: - salaries and other benefits 88,274 85,705 9,388 8,922 - defined contribution benefits 10,667 9,431 1,032 904 Dividend income from a subsidiary - - (1,000) (300,000) Dividend income from other investments (140) - - - Gain on disposal of equipment (48) (9) (29) - Gain on disposal of right-of-use assets - (110) - - Interest income on financial assets measured at amortised cost: - fixed deposits with licensed banks (2,958) (493) (1,806) (63) - a subsidiary - - (7,180) (12,218) Rental income from investment properties (1,500) (1,533) (6,159) (4,923) Reversal of inventories previously written down (Note 15) (22) (17) - -