Integrated Annual Report 2023

MISC BERHAD 50 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 51 VALUE WE CREATE SECTION 5 Engaging with Stakeholders Engaging with Stakeholders Stakeholders Key Concerns Responses Value Created for Stakeholders Engagement Platform and Frequency Employees Our workforce is our most valuable asset, in achieving our business goals. We prioritise a safe, healthy and inclusive work environment, offering benefits and career development tools to promote innovation and enhance MISC’s competitive advantage. • Business ethics and compliance • HSSE management • Upskilling and reskilling talent • Diversity and inclusion • Employee engagement programmes • Ensure mandatory business ethics e-learning modules • Enhance business ethics awareness and whistleblowing processes • Implement high HSSE standards • Encourage employees to report Unsafe Conditions and Unsafe Acts (UCUAs) • Support and encourage employees to improve their skills and enhance their competency via the Talent Management System (TMS) • Encourage employees to participate and provide feedback to stimulate two-way conversations via ECHO+ • Encourage and support employee diversity and equal opportunities in our career development and volunteering programmes • Conduct festive celebrations • Provide multiple platforms for employee conversations • Organise various employee engagement programmes such as family day, townhalls and religious talks • Career development and growth in a sustainable organisation • Talent attraction and retention Business Partners/Suppliers & Vendors Our business partners, suppliers and vendors are important to business growth. Together, we develop products, solutions and offerings to elevate industry standards, improve operational efficiencies and identify growth opportunities. • Project and financial performance • Crisis management and business continuity • Values and governance • Health, safety and environment • Business knowledge and expertise • Ensure strong governance in project and financial management • Engage closely with business partners/suppliers and vendors to ensure minimal business interruption • Enhance business ethics awareness and whistleblowing processes • Enhance the Know Your Counterparty (KYC) requirements for all business dealings as part of the Third-Party Compliance Due Diligence Guidelines • Provide CoBE training for third-party service providers to drive awareness of MISC’s CoBE and other requirements and expectations • Adopt Competition Law and Compliance Protocols to support the Competition Law Guidelines • Inculcate strong discipline and mindset around health, safety and environment • Recognise suppliers/vendors with good practices • Drive upskilling and reskilling initiatives competencies for employees to provide niche expertise for maritime services • Leveraged each other’s expertise and collaborate for innovative products and services • Improved understanding of MISC’s expectations which includes a sustainability agenda on suppliers and increased business opportunities Communities Operating globally, we support community development to build trust and enhance business resilience. Our goal is to enrich local communities through programmes focused on social upliftment and environmental protection. • Safety in yard operations, noise and traffic management and air emissions • Marine pollution, environmental conservation and waste management • Employment and income opportunities • Establish community investment programmes in education, environment, health, safety and well-being • Invest in maritime education sponsorship and scholarships • Conduct conservation and environmental programmes to preserve natural ecosystems, air and water quality • Contribute time, resources and expertise to assist communities • Created job opportunities and other social economic benefits for local communities • Sustained positive relationships with various stakeholders including customers, employees, local governments and community members Engagement Platform Frequency Physical and virtual townhall Digital communication channels Employee engagement sessions HSSE programmes Organisational surveys Q A A AR BA Engagement Platform Frequency Regular and periodic meetings Day-to-day interactions Conferences and forums Site visits Workshops/strategic dialogues Performance assessments A W AR D AR AR A M AR Engagement Platform Frequency Social impact programmes Briefings and engagement with local communities A AR A AR Key Capitals Human Capital Intellectual Capital H I Key Capitals Natural Capital Social & Relationship Capital Key Capitals Social & Relationship Capital Intellectual Capital I SR Financial Capital F Physical Capital P N SR