Integrated Annual Report 2023

MISC BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SECTION 14 218 219 3. Kindly follow the steps below on how to request for login ID and password. BEFORE THE 55TH AGM Step 1 – Register Online with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal (“BSIP”) Note: For first time registration only. If you have already signed up with BSIP, you are not required to register again. You may proceed to Step 2 – Submit Request for Remote Participation User ID and Password. a. Access BSIP website at b. Click <<Register>> to sign up as a user. c. Select the correct account type i.e. sign up as “Shareholder” or “Corporate Holder”. d. Complete registration with all required information. Upload a softcopy of your MyKad (front and back) or Passport. For Corporate Holder, kindly attach the authorisation letter as well. Click “Sign Up”. e. You will receive an email from Boardroom for email address verification. Click “Verify Email Address” from the email received to continue with the registration. f. Once your email address is verified, you will be re-directed to BSIP for verification of mobile number. Click “Request OTP Code” and an OTP code will be sent to your registered mobile number. Please enter the OTP Code to complete the process. g. Your registration will be verified and approved within one (1) business day and email notification will be provided to you. Step 2 – Submit Request for Remote Participation User ID and Password Note: The registration for remote access will be opened on 5 April 2024. For Shareholders a. Login to BSIP website at using your User ID and Password from Step 1 above. b. Select “MISC BERHAD FIFTY-FIFTH (55TH) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING” from the list of Corporate Meetings and click “Enter”. (i) To attend the virtual meeting a. Click on “Register for RPEV”. b. Read and agree to the terms & conditions and click “Next”. c. Enter your CDS Account Number and thereafter submit your request. (ii) To appoint proxy a. Click on “Submit eProxy Form”. b. Select the company you would like to be represented (applicable to Corporate Shareholder that represent more than one company only). c. Enter your CDS Account Number and number of securities held. d. Select your proxy - either the Chairman of the meeting or individual named proxy(ies). e. Read and accept the General Terms and Conditions by clicking “Next”. f. Enter the required particulars of your proxy(ies). g. Indicate your voting instructions – FOR or AGAINST or ABSTAIN. If you wish to have your proxy(ies) to act upon his/her discretion, please indicate DISCRETIONARY. h. Review and confirm your proxy(ies) appointment and click “Apply”. i. Download or print the eProxy Form as acknowledgement. Note for Corporate Shareholders: If you are the authorised representative for more than one (1) corporate shareholder, kindly click the home button and select “Edit Profile” in order to add Company name. For Corporate Shareholders (via email) a. Write in to by providing the name of Shareholder, CDS Account Number accompanied with the Certificate of Appointment of Corporate Representative or Form of Proxy to submit the request. b. Please provide a copy of the Corporate Representative’s or Proxy Holder’s MyKad (front and back) or Passport together with his/her email address. Administrative Notes Relating to the 55th Annual General Meeting For Authorised Nominee and Exempt Authorised Nominee Via BSIP a. Login to BSIP website at using your User ID and Password from Step 1 above. b. Select “MISC BERHAD FIFTY-FIFTH (55TH) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING” from the list of Corporate Meetings and click “Enter”. c. Click on “Submit eProxy Form”. d. Select the company you would like to be represented (if more than one). e. Proceed to download the file format for “Submission of Proxy Form”. f. Prepare the file for the appointment of proxy(ies) by inserting the required data. g. Proceed to upload the duly completed proxy appointment file. h. Review and confirm your proxy(ies) appointment and click “Submit”. i. Download or print the eProxy form as acknowledgement. Note: If you are the authorised representative for more than one (1) authorised nominee/exempt authorised nominee, kindly click the home button and select “Edit Profile” in order to add Company name. Via email a. Write in to by providing the name of Shareholder, CDS Account Number accompanied with the Form of Proxy to submit the request. b. Please provide a copy of the Proxy Holder’s MyKad (front and back) or Passport together with his/her email address. Email Notification • You will receive a notification from Boardroom that your request has been received and is being verified. • Upon system verification of your registration against the AGM’s Record of Depositors as at 29 April 2024, you will receive an email from Boardroom either approving or rejecting your registration for remote participation. • You will also receive your remote access User ID and Password along with an email from Boardroom if your registration is approved. • You are encouraged to submit your request at least twenty-four (24) hours before the commencement of AGM, i.e. by Tuesday, 7 May 2024 at 10.00 a.m., to avoid any delay in the registration process. ON THE 55TH AGM DAY Step 3 – Login to Virtual Meeting Portal Note: Please note that the quality of the connectivity to the Virtual Meeting Portal for live webcast as well as for remote online voting is highly dependent on the bandwidth and the stability of the internet connectivity available at the location of the remote users. a. The Virtual Meeting Portal will be opened for login starting one (1) hour before the commencement of AGM, which is from 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 8 May 2024. b. Please follow the steps given to you in the email along with your remote access User ID and Password to login to the Virtual Meeting Portal (Refer to Step 2 above). c. The steps given will also guide you on how to view live webcast, ask questions and vote. d. The live webcast will end and the Messaging window (for asking questions) will be disabled once the Chairman announces the closure of the AGM. e. You can then logout from the Virtual Meeting Portal. Administrative Notes Relating to the 55th Annual General Meeting