Integrated Annual Report 2023

MISC BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SECTION 14 216 217 Administrative Notes Relating to the 55th Annual General Meeting MISC Berhad (“the Company” or “MISC”) will continue to leverage on technology to facilitate communication and engagement with members by conducting its 55th Annual General Meeting (“55th AGM”) on a virtual basis via Remote Participation and Electronic Voting (“RPEV”) facilities on the date, time and from the Broadcast Venue, as follows: Date : Wednesday, 8 May 2024 Time : 10.00 a.m. Broadcast Venue : MISC Berhad, Conference Room 2 Level 17, Menara Dayabumi Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Meeting Platform : Mode of Communication : 1. During the 55th AGM, any questions can be posed to the Board via real time submission of typed texts at during the live steaming. The Messaging window facility will be opened concurrently with the Virtual Meeting Portal, i.e. one (1) hour before the AGM, which is from 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 8 May 2024. 2. Shareholders may submit questions in advance via Boardroom Smart Investor Portal website at using the same user ID and password provided in Step 2 below, and select “SUBMIT QUESTION” to pose questions or email to MISC Investor Relations at commencing from 5 April 2024 and in any event no later than Monday, 6 May 2024 at 10.00 a.m. The Chairman/Board will endeavor to respond to relevant questions during the Questions and Answers Session at the AGM. If there is time constraint, the responses to relevant questions will be published on the Company’s website at the earliest possible, after the AGM. Please note that the Broadcast Venue is strictly for the purpose of compliance with Section 327(2) of the Companies Act 2016 which stipulates that the Chairman shall be at the main venue of the AGM and in accordance with Rule 18.14 of the Company’s Constitution which allows a general meeting to be held at more than one venue, using any technology or method that enables the members of the Company to participate and to exercise the members’ right to speak and vote at the general meeting. As shareholders/proxies/ corporate representatives WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to be physically present at or admitted to the Broadcast Venue on the day of the AGM, all members are urged to attend the 55th AGM remotely via meeting platform Administrative Notes Relating to the 55th Annual General Meeting VOTING PROCEDURE 1. The voting at the 55th AGM will be conducted by poll in accordance with Paragraph 8.29A of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Main Market Listing Requirements. 2. MISC has appointed Boardroom Share Registrars Sdn. Bhd. (“Boardroom”) as Poll Administrator to conduct the poll by way of electronic voting (“e-voting”) and SKY Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd. as Scrutineers to verify the poll results. 3. For the purposes of this AGM, e-voting will be carried out via personal smart mobile phones, tablets, personal computers or laptops. 4. Members and proxies are required to use one (1) of the following methods to vote remotely: (i) launch Lumi AGM by scanning the QR code given in the email to you; or (ii) access to Lumi AGM via website 5. The polling will only commence after such announcement by the Chairman and until such time when the Chairman announces the closure of poll. 6. Upon closure of the poll session by the Chairman, the Scrutineers will verify the poll result reports and thereafter announce the results, followed by the Chairman’s declaration whether the resolutions put to vote are duly passed. 7. You must ensure that you are connected to the internet at all times in order to participate and vote remotely when the 55th AGM has commenced. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that connectivity for the duration of the AGM is maintained. Kindly note that the quality of the connectivity to Virtual Meeting Portal for live webcast as well as for remote online voting is dependent on the bandwidth and stability of the internet connection at the location of the remote participants. PROCEDURE FOR REMOTE PARTICIPATION AND ELECTRONIC VOTING (“RPEV”) 1. Please note that the RPEV facilities is available to (i) Individual Shareholders; (ii) Corporate Shareholders; (iii) Authorised Nominees; and (iv) Exempt Authorised Nominees. 2. By participating in the meeting, you will be able to view a live webcast of the meeting, ask questions and submit your votes in real time whilst the meeting is in progress.