Integrated Annual Report 2023

MISC BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 131 LEADERSHIP SECTION 11 130 Our Board at a Glance Senior Independent Non-Executive Director Non-Independent Executive Director (President/Group CEO, MISC Berhad) Independent Non-Executive Directors Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors (PETRONAS Nominees) BOARD SKILLS MATRIX INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE MATRIX Female Male 4 4 GENDER ≥70 years 60 – 69 years 50 – 59 years 4 1 3 AGE Finance & Audit 6 Economics 1 Risk Management 8 Corporate Planning 8 Marketing 3 Operations 5 Corporate Governance 8 Human Resource 3 Information Technology 2 Legal & Regulatory 1 ESG 3 Strategic Communications 1 Oil & Gas 4 Finance & Audit 2 Banking/Investment Banking 2 Shipping 1 Consulting 2 Telecommunication 1 Postal 1 IT Services 1 Social Security 1 FMCG 1 Our Board of Directors DATUK ABU HURAIRA ABU YAZID Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Director CAPTAIN RAJALINGAM SUBRAMANIAM President/Group CEO, MISC Berhad Non-Independent Executive Director DATIN NORAZAH MOHAMED RAZALI Independent Non-Executive Director DATO’ TENGKU MARINA TUNKU ANNUAR Independent Non-Executive Director MOHAMMAD SUHAIMI MOHD YASIN Independent Non-Executive Director LIZA MUSTAPHA Non-Independent Non-Executive Director WAN SHAMILAH WAN MUHAMMAD SAIDI Non-Independent Non-Executive Director CHEW LIONG KIM Senior Independent Non-Executive Director No. of Director No. of Director 1 1 2 4 COMPOSITION