Integrated Annual Report 2021

MACN Maritime Anti-Corruption Network MASA Malaysia Shipowners’ Association MC Management Committee MCCG Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance MCO Movement control order MCV Modular capture vessel MET Maritime education and training MFRS Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards MHB Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Berhad MIA Malaysian Institute of Accountants MICPA Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants MISC/the Group MISC Berhad and its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate companies MMASB Malaysia Maritime Academy Sdn. Bhd. MMHE Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn. Bhd. MMLR Main Market Listing Requirements MMS MISC Maritime Services Sdn. Bhd. MOPU Mobile offshore production unit MSOSH Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety and Health NEDs Non-Executive Directors NINEDs Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors NOCs National oil companies NOx Nitrogen oxides NRC Nomination and Remuneration Committee NYK Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum ODS Ozone Depleting Substance OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OSH Occupational safety and health OSVIS Offshore Support Vessel Inspection System OVMSA Offshore Vessel Management and Self Assessment P&I Protection and indemnity PETRONAS Petroliam Nasional Berhad PETRONAS Group PETRONAS and its subsidiaries PRA Project Risk Assessment PV Photovoltaic RM Ringgit Malaysia RMC Risk Management Committee RPT Related party transaction RRPT Recurrent related party transaction SEEMP Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan SICDA Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act 1991 SOP Standard operating procedure SORMIC Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control SOx Sulphur oxides SR Sustainability Report SSPC Sabah Shell Petroleum Limited STCW Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping STS Ship-to-ship TBC To be confirmed TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures TMS Talent Management System TOR Terms of reference TPI Transition Pathway Initiative TRCF Total recordable case frequency UNSDGs United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals USD United States Dollar VIS Vessel Inspection System VIU Value-in-use VLCC Very large crude carrier VLEC Very large ethane carrier WBC Whistleblowing Committee ZEV Zero-carbon emission vessel LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MISC Berhad 478 Integrated Annual Report 2021 MISC Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2021 479 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION