Integrated Annual Report 2021

38. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (CONT'D.) (d) Credit risk (cont'd.) Receivables, finance lease receivables and contract assets (cont’d.) The following table provides information about the exposure to credit risk and ECLs for receivables and contract assets which are grouped together as they are expected to have similar risk nature. Group Gross carrying Loss Net amount allowance balance 2021 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Credit risk rating Low risk rating 613,182 (211) 612,971 Medium risk rating 23,001,778 (467,493) 22,534,285 High risk rating 485,107 (272,842) 212,265 24,100,067 (740,546) 23,359,521 Representing: Trade and other receivables (Note 22) 5,159,378 (405,034) 4,754,344 Long term receivables, contract assets, loans and advances (Note 20(a)) 3,441,293 (275,633) 3,165,660 Finance lease receivables (Note 20(d)) 15,499,396 (59,879) 15,439,517 24,100,067 (740,546) 23,359,521 Corporation Gross carrying Loss Net amount allowance balance RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Credit risk rating Low risk rating 439,568 – 439,568 Medium risk rating 1,940,091 (91,450) 1,848,641 High risk rating 402,582 (271,236) 131,346 2,782,241 (362,686) 2,419,555 Representing: Trade and other receivables (Note 22) 1,064,540 (85,934) 978,606 Long term receivables, contract assets, loans and advances (Note 20(a)) 842,150 (271,236) 570,914 Finance lease receivables (Note 20(d)) 875,551 (5,516) 870,035 2,782,241 (362,686) 2,419,555 38. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (CONT'D.) (d) Credit risk (cont'd.) Receivables, finance lease receivables and contract assets (cont’d.) Group Gross carrying Loss Net amount allowance balance 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Credit risk rating Low risk rating 1,155,403 (2,995) 1,152,408 Medium risk rating 18,340,462 (439,584) 17,900,878 High risk rating 643,773 (250,501) 393,272 20,139,638 (693,080) 19,446,558 Representing: Trade and other receivables (Note 22) 6,034,038 (627,328) 5,406,710 Long term receivables, contract assets, loans and advances (Note 20(a)) 287,750 (2,417) 285,333 Finance lease receivables (Note 20(d)) 13,817,850 (63,335) 13,754,515 20,139,638 (693,080) 19,446,558 Corporation Gross carrying Loss Net amount allowance balance RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Credit risk rating Low risk rating 616,600 – 616,600 Medium risk rating 4,413,429 (91,057) 4,322,372 High risk rating 405,186 (247,280) 157,906 5,435,215 (338,337) 5,096,878 Representing: Trade and other receivables (Note 22) 3,889,940 (329,408) 3,560,532 Long term receivables, contract assets, loans and advances (Note 20(a)) 619,017 (2,417) 616,600 Finance lease receivables (Note 20(d)) 926,258 (6,512) 919,746 5,435,215 (338,337) 5,096,878 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 MISC Berhad 426 Integrated Annual Report 2021 MISC Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2021 427 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS