Integrated Annual Report 2021

36. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONT'D.) (a) Business segments (cont’d.) Gas Petroleum & Marine & Eliminations Asset & Product Offshore Heavy and Solutions Shipping Business Engineering Others Total Adjustments Consolidated 31 December 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 REVENUE External sales 2,652,699 3,862,527 1,210,096 1,530,171 157,586 9,413,079 (11,845) 9,401,234 Inter-segment – 1,022 78,352 37,444 1,303,037 1,419,855 (1,419,855) A – 2,652,699 3,863,549 1,288,448 1,567,615 1,460,623 10,832,934 (1,431,700) 9,401,234 RESULTS Segment results 1,899,477 1,584,950 511,993 (43,355) (156,212) 3,796,853 70,262 A 3,867,115 Other operating income 7,917 68,885 31,872 3,970 2,126,989 2,239,633 (2,097,952) A 141,681 Depreciation (766,602) (1,187,637) (5,884) (66,914) (34,414) (2,061,451) (29,519) (2,090,970) Amortisation of intangible assets – – – – (5,884) (5,884) – (5,884) Amortisation of prepaid lease payments on land and buildings – – – (7,259) (100) (7,359) – (7,359) Impairment provisions (11,585) – (19,791) (300,000) – (331,376) – (331,376) Provision of litigation claims – – (1,049,248) – – (1,049,248) – (1,049,248) Write off of trade receivables and loss on re-measurement of finance lease receivables – – (846,229) – – (846,229) – (846,229) Net gain/(loss) on disposal of ships and offshore floating assets – 36,344 – – – 36,344 (11,209) 25,135 Finance income 50,215 3,024 27,876 13,479 103,884 198,478 (85,866) A 112,612 Finance costs (143,644) (141,491) (165,382) (911) (30,656) (482,084) 114,000 A (368,084) Share of profit/(loss) of associates and joint ventures 856 12,234 412,380 (189) – 425,281 3,742 429,023 Loss before taxation (123,584) Taxation (46,247) Loss after taxation (169,831) Non-controlling interests 126,764 Net loss attributable to equity holders of the Corporation (43,067) ASSETS Ships 6,712,513 14,345,401 – – 30,449 * 21,088,363 – 21,088,363 Offshore floating assets – – 51,308 – – 51,308 – 51,308 Other property, plant and equipment 85,441 88,454 13,593 1,586,676 395,313 2,169,477 – 2,169,477 Prepaid lease payments on land and buildings – – – 209,018 3,516 212,534 – 212,534 Non-current assets classified as held for sale – 11,807 4,834 – – 16,641 (11,807) 4,834 Intangible assets – 803,901 225 – 15,096 819,222 – 819,222 Investments in joint ventures 7,122 28,002 828,703 8,910 324 873,061 – 873,061 Finance lease receivables 5,577,143 – 9,460,228 – – 15,037,371 – 15,037,371 Other assets (unallocated) B 11,564,839 51,821,009 LIABILITIES Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 3,082,297 6,268,913 4,415,461 257,128 406,929 14,430,728 (990,342) 13,440,386 Other liabilities (unallocated) C 5,229,504 18,669,890 * Included in the net book value of ships - others is Navy Auxiliary ship owned by the Corporation, Bunga Mas 6. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 MISC Berhad 408 Integrated Annual Report 2021 MISC Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2021 409 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS