Integrated Annual Report 2021

36. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONT'D.) (a) Business segments (cont’d.) Gas Petroleum & Marine & Eliminations Asset & Product Offshore Heavy and Solutions Shipping Business Engineering Others Total Adjustments Consolidated 31 December 2021 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 REVENUE External sales 2,882,841 3,199,352 3,022,823 1,409,222 166,823 10,681,061 (9,354) 10,671,707 Inter-segment – 1,046 16,077 58,093 213,545 288,761 (288,761) A – 2,882,841 3,200,398 3,038,900 1,467,315 380,368 10,969,822 (298,115) 10,671,707 RESULTS Segment results 1,893,081 1,101,321 777,797 (186,989) (93,053) 3,492,157 17,326 A 3,509,483 Other operating income 53,973 260,646 10,249 8,137 1,824,455 2,157,460 (1,788,045) A 369,415 Depreciation (724,550) (1,081,789) (894) (80,661) (43,611) (1,931,505) (17,583) (1,949,088) Amortisation of intangible assets – – – – (22,603) (22,603) – (22,603) Amortisation of prepaid lease payments on land and buildings – – – (7,036) (99) (7,135) – (7,135) Impairment provisions (92,900) – – (9,010) (10,000) (111,910) – (111,910) Gain on disposal of interest joint ventures – – 17,797 – – 17,797 7,329 25,126 (Loss)/gain from deconsolidation of subsidiary – – (2,159) – 647 (1,512) (729) (2,241) Net gain on disposal of ships and offshore floating assets 2,672 28,898 – – – 31,570 – 31,570 Finance income 28,248 434 18,147 14,359 48,130 109,318 (61,068) A 48,250 Finance costs (145,501) (130,645) (182,577) (12,938) (16,642) (488,303) 70,960 A (417,343) Share of profit of associates – – 3,666 – – 3,666 – 3,666 Share of (loss)/profit of joint ventures (3,167) 10,365 286,537 – (19) 293,716 3,716 297,432 Profit before taxation 1,774,622 Taxation (41,075) Profit after taxation 1,733,547 Non-controlling interests 97,717 Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Corporation 1,831,264 ASSETS Ships 6,396,751 15,074,979 – – 24,601 * 21,496,331 – 21,496,331 Offshore floating assets – – 25,457 – – 25,457 – 25,457 Other property, plant and equipment 85,441 73,565 55 1,525,527 205,344 1,889,932 – 1,889,932 Prepaid lease payments on land and buildings – – – 201,982 3,543 205,525 – 205,525 Non-current assets classified as held for sale – – – 14,312 – 14,312 – 14,312 Intangible assets – 835,764 – – 225,151 1,060,915 – 1,060,915 Investments in joint ventures 112,328 25,395 900,845 8,910 – 1,047,478 – 1,047,478 Finance lease receivables 7,889,169 – 8,897,837 – – 16,787,006 – 16,787,006 Other assets (unallocated) – – – – – – – B 14,994,521 57,521,477 LIABILITIES Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 4,995,520 6,979,761 5,255,910 370,560 67,749 17,669,500 (640,484) 17,029,016 Other liabilities (unallocated) C 5,567,529 22,596,545 * Included in the net book value of ships - others is Navy Auxiliary ship owned by the Corporation, Bunga Mas 6. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 MISC Berhad 406 Integrated Annual Report 2021 MISC Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2021 407 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS