Integrated Annual Report 2021

19. INVESTMENTS IN JOINT VENTURES (CONT'D.) Group 2021 MDFT MVOT Others* Total RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount As at 31 December Group’s share of net assets 429,066 361,628 290,805 1,081,499 Elimination of unrealised (losses)/profits (19,603) 2,298 (16,716) (34,021) Carrying amount in the statement of financial position 409,463 363,926 274,089 1,047,478 Group’s share of results Year ended 31 December Group’s share of profit after taxation 198,354 28,239 70,839 297,432 Group’s share of other comprehensive income – – 14,169 14,169 Group’s share of total comprehensive income 198,354 28,239 85,008 311,601 2020 MDFT MVOT Others* Total RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount As at 31 December Group’s share of net assets 405,166 321,788 196,880 923,834 Elimination of unrealised (losses)/profits (22,682) 2,089 (30,180) (50,773) Carrying amount in the statement of financial position 382,484 323,877 166,700 873,061 Group’s share of results Year ended 31 December Group’s share of profit after taxation 103,285 34,097 291,400 428,782 Group’s share of other comprehensive loss – – (58,682) (58,682) Group’s share of total comprehensive income 103,285 34,097 232,718 370,100 * Other individually immaterial joint ventures 20. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS AND FINANCIAL LIABILITIES (a) Other non-current assets Group Corporation 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Unquoted equity investments (Note 37) 72,564 63,498 65,776 63,483 Quoted equity investments (Note 37) 50,971 40,671 50,971 40,671 Total equity instruments 123,535 104,169 116,747 104,154 Long term receivables (Note 37) 501,747 103,546 402,582 – Contract assets (Note 23) 2,748,898 – – – 3,250,645 103,546 402,582 – Less: Impairment loss on: Long term receivables (271,264) – (271,236) – Contract assets (4,369) – – – (275,633) – (271,236) – Net long term receivables and contract assets 2,975,012 103,546 131,346 – Loans and advances: Subsidiaries – – 439,568 616,600 Associate – 2,417 – 2,417 Joint venture 190,648 181,787 – – 190,648 184,204 439,568 619,017 Less: Impairment on loans to associate – (2,417) – (2,417) Net loans and advances (Note 22) 190,648 181,787 439,568 616,600 Total long term receivables, contract assets, loans and advances 3,165,660 285,333 570,914 616,600 Total equity instruments 123,535 104,169 116,747 104,154 Total other non-current assets 3,289,195 389,502 687,661 720,754 Less: Net contract assets (2,744,529) – – – Total other non-current financial assets 544,666 389,502 687,661 720,754 The long term receivables and contract assets are unbilled amounts that will be due from customers after a period of more than 12 months. The loans and advances to subsidiaries are unsecured and bear interest ranging from 1.51% to 4.15% (2020: 1.54% to 4.25%) per annum. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2021 MISC Berhad 380 Integrated Annual Report 2021 MISC Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2021 381 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS