MISC Integrated Annual Report 2020

14. SHIPS, OFFSHORE FLOATING ASSETS AND OTHER PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D.) Accumulated depreciation/impairment Net book value Currency At Impairment translation At At 1.1.2020 Depreciation losses Write-offs** Disposals differences 31.12.2020 31.12.2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Corporation - 31 December 2020 Ships Subject to operating lease as a lessor - ships in operation 5,493,481 343,037 10,444 (59,162) – (69,790) 5,718,010 4,022,953 Other property and equipment Freehold land 413 448 – – – 325 1,186 6,048 Freehold buildings 936 – – – – – 936 21,462 Motor vehicles 369 – – – – (6) 363 9 Furniture, fittings and equipment 18,199 4,086 – – (224) (462) 21,599 12,550 Computer software and hardware 159,978 4,902 – – (2,117) (2,885) 159,878 10,199 Projects in progress – – – – – – – 76,789 179,895 9,436 – – (2,341) (3,028) 183,962 127,057 Right-of-use - office premise 40,414 14,200 – – – (823) 53,791 27,816 220,309 23,636 – – (2,341) (3,851) 237,753 154,873 Grand total 5,713,790 366,673 10,444 (59,162) (2,341) (73,641) 5,955,763 4,177,826 * Reclassification out of PPE relates to capital expenditure which are reimbursable and reclassed to other receivables. ** Amount mainly relates to derecognition of previous dry docking/major spares upon capitalisation of replacement costs. 31 December 2020 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2020 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10 386 10 387 /// Leadership / Governance / Financial Statements / Additional Information / Annual General Meeting ////// /// Leadership / Governance / Financial Statements / Additional Information / Annual General Meeting ////// Section Section MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020