MISC Integrated Annual Report 2020

14. SHIPS, OFFSHORE FLOATING ASSETS AND OTHER PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D.) Cost Termination Currency At Reclassification Reclassified to of lease translation At 1.1.2019 Additions Disposals Write-offs*** Transfers out of PPE** held for sale contract differences 31.12.2019 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Group - 31 December 2019 Ships Ships in operation* 41,783,627 397,987 (128,775) (367,590) 582,598 (42,670) (1,400,528) – (383,748) 40,440,901 Right-of-use - ships in operation* 2,484,287 155,301 – – – – – (129,557) (7,048) 2,502,983 Ships under construction 1,360,089 1,540,284 – – (578,585) (3,476) – – (22,731) 2,295,581 45,628,003 2,093,572 (128,775) (367,590) 4,013 (46,146) (1,400,528) (129,557) (413,527) 45,239,465 Offshore floating assets Subject to operating lease as a lessor - offshore floating assets in operation 1,343,326 – – – – – (196,698) – (8,813) 1,137,815 Other property, plant and equipment Freehold land 12,976 – – – – – – – (219) 12,757 Freehold buildings, drydocks and waste plant 1,674,066 104 (5,519) (3,077) 2,025 – – – (789) 1,666,810 Leasehold buildings 73,882 – – – – – – – – 73,882 Motor vehicles 20,975 – (545) (231) – – – – (18) 20,181 Furniture, fittings and equipment 166,791 4,548 (4,486) (128) 2,429 (12) – – (598) 168,544 Computer software and hardware 293,061 1,355 (2,374) (310) 13,337 – – – (2,802) 302,267 Projects in progress 308,901 330,665 (2,287) – (27,209) – – – (2,533) 607,537 Plant and machineries 686,273 4,073 (2,089) (6,903) 5,405 – – – (564) 686,195 3,236,925 340,745 (17,300) (10,649) (4,013) (12) – – (7,523) 3,538,173 Right-of-use assets - office premise, warehouse and wharf 155,365 23,909 – – – – – – (1,112) 178,162 - computer software and hardware 643 – – – – – – – – 643 156,008 23,909 – – – – – – (1,112) 178,805 3,392,933 364,654 (17,300) (10,649) (4,013) (12) – – (8,635) 3,716,978 Grand total 50,364,262 2,458,226 (146,075) (378,239) – (46,158) (1,597,226) (129,557) (430,975) 50,094,258 31 December 2020 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2020 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10 380 10 381 /// Leadership / Governance / Financial Statements / Additional Information / Annual General Meeting ////// /// Leadership / Governance / Financial Statements / Additional Information / Annual General Meeting ////// Section Section MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020