MISC Integrated Annual Report 2020

TYPES OF WASTE NON-SHIPPING OPERATIONS WASTE MANAGEMENT METHOD REUSED AS Recycled Spent copper slag Raw material in cement manufacturing Recycled Oil sludge Alternative source for generating electricity Recovered using oil slops recovery facility Oil slops Recovered Petrochemical Product 2016 2016 100% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 2017 2017 99% 2018 2018 74%* 2019 2019 98% 2020 2020 91% Total Hazardous Waste Generation (Tonnes) 3R (Reuse, Recover & Recycle) Rate (%) *An amount of 1,500m 3 of anchor chains and shackles were removed from one of our vessel and this data has been excluded from the total garbage generation 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 MISC Fleet Garbage Generation Per Vessel (m 3 ) MISC Fleet Plastic Waste Generation Per Vessel (m 3 ) 72 68 79 65* 71 Reducing Single-Use Plastic in our Operations Programme onboard our Vessels Onboard our vessels, we have in place a programme that aims to reduce and ban the use of non-essential single-use plastics, by replacing them with reusable non-plastic alternatives or biodegradable options wherever possible. In 2020, the following measures were undertaken in conjunction with the programme: • A guide developed and issued to all ships in Jan 2020, providing guidance on the programme to discontinue the use of single use plastics. • Each ship was required to prepare an inventory of single use plastics used onboard. Each ship was required to prepare an execution plan to reduce single use plastics with quantified targets set and monitored based on the inventory where from October 2020 onwards, the target is to prohibit more than 90% of the inventory items. Among the actions taken by crew members to meet the targets were: • Stopped the requisition of plastic garbage bags and replaced this with paper-based garbage bags / jumbo bag / gunny sacks. • Reusable bags were brought along by crew members during shore leave. • Use of supplies that come in bulk packaging. • All plastic-based cutlery, plates and cups and small containers were replaced with reusables. • Plastic food wrapping material were replaced with non-plastic materials like aluminium foil. In 2020, our total garbage generation per vessels had reduced by 10% compared to 2016. Plastic waste generation per vessels also had reduced by 10% from 2016. These reductions were contributed through key initiatives carried out by the vessels such as reduction of single use plastics onboard all vessels and utilisation of drinking water filtration system instead of supplying drinking water bottles. In order to minimise the generation of packaging waste, we purchased consumable items in bulk where possible. A significant amount of our hazardous waste generation comprises spent blasting materials generated from our shipyard operations in Pasir Gudang. Our spent copper slag waste is fully recycled into raw material for cement manufacturing. MHB continues to explore solutions to reduce wastes generated from blasting operations by looking at alternative blasting materials which allows increased usage before the material is considered wastes. WASTE FROM MHB YARD NON-SHIPPING — HAZARDOUS WASTE SHIPPING — GARBAGE GENERATION 29.0 28.5 28.0 30.1 26.2 Since 2016, MISC has reduced the total hazardous waste generated from non-shipping operations by 41%. The majority of hazardous waste generated from shore operations emanate from offshore and marine projects at MHB’s yard. The use of non-hazardous and high durability blasting materials on certain operations that allow for the repeated use of the material, has led to a significant reduction in hazardous waste produced from MHB’s operations. As of end 2020, almost 100% of hazardous waste produced from our shore operations is recycled, reused or recovered. *Low 3R rate is due to cleaning of sludge and slops for the decommissioning of Techno Indah Sdn Bhd 33,098 27,944 26,428 24,908 19,401 OPERATING SAFELY AND SUSTAINABLY ///// Sustainability / Financial Review / Business Review / Leadership / Governance /// MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 7 220 MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 7 221 /// Governance / Leadership / Business Review / Financial Review / Sustainability ///// Section Section