MISC Integrated Annual Report 2020

PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT INVESTING IN OUR PEOPLE Talent Retention & Attraction A key strategic priority for the Group is retaining and attracting the right talent in order to sustain the business and engender future growth. In 2020, Graduates’ Choice Award awarded MISC the First Runner-Up for the Most Attractive Graduate Employers to Work For in 2021 for Logistics Company category. As it is critical for the Group to retain high performing talent, we will sustain efforts to provide our talents with a challenging role, competitive remuneration and structured development in both functional and leadership areas. In 2020, the retention rate of high performing talents was at 97%. In the ever-present Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (VUCA) environment, MISC continues to equip talent with skills in creativity, agility and adaptability. This is further supported by the competency management, career management framework and the online learning platform. MISC’s measures to promote talent sustainability include: • Implementation of the Talent Management System (TMS) to manage employee career development With the successful launch of TMS Phase 1, MISC was able to realise the potential of digitalisation of its first two modules; Learning & Development, and Recruitment. As the system was developed with the Group in mind, the project has also achieved an indirect benefit of standardising some of the HR processes across the Group. Boosted by the current pandemic situation, the learning platform boasts online learning capability that empowers MISC employees to take charge of their development anytime, any where and on various devices. TMS Phase 2 further refined the platform by introducing Succession Planning and Competency Management modules. This greatly accentuates MISC’s succession planning and leadership agenda with centralised succession data repository and linkage to the potential successor’s development. • Launching ECHO + as Cultural Beliefs tool The new MISC feedback platform encourages and promotes a culture of feedback exchange to further strengthen the institutionalisation of MISC’s cultural beliefs among employees. Real-time and instantaneous feedback via web and mobile apps provides the opportunity for managers to have meaningful and forward-looking conversations on professional development with the individual employee, resulting in better engagement and improved productivity. • Facilitating ‘Sea to Shore’ career advancements Understanding the family and career needs of our seafarers, we continuously offer shore roles to individuals to continue their career progression in management roles on shore. In 2020, a total of six job transfers from sea to shore were successfully implemented. • Conducting employee wellbeing initiatives We also provide measures and programmes that seek to improve employee wellbeing. In 2020, MISC focused on an employee wellbeing plan that offers its people psychological, emotional and mental health support. As part of the wellbeing plan in 2020, we implemented the Employee Assistance Programme, to reach out to our people and support them through the difficulties of the pandemic. More details on this initiative can be found in the Operating Safely and Sustainably section on page 213 of this Integrated Annual Report. Human Capital Development The development of a high-performance culture is a key performance imperative for all MISC employees. In line with the diverse operations that the Group’s main business segments are composed of, we have in place a wide range of programmes that aim to upgrade employee skills based on identified gaps and needs. Throughout the year, MISC continued to implement our succession planning and talent management journey to ensure key employees in critical positions are earmarked. Competency management remains our focus in ensuring successors’ readiness to assume the next roles. At MISC, competency requirements for each role are comprehensively mapped out and assessments are conducted with the incumbent of the job. The outcome of the competency assessment is translated into learning and development programmes to fulfil the needs of current and future succession roles. We strongly believe in supporting our employees’ career progression. In 2020, a total of 50% of vacancies were filled up by internal candidates demonstrating the success and agility of our competency and career progression programmes. Learning and Development Programmes As the pandemic had resulted in restrictions in organising face-to-face classroom training session, MISC’s learning and development programmes were focused on online training programmes and the development of e-learning modules on our Learning Management System which forms part of our TMS, and will eventually be linked to our career management programme. Throughout the Group, wherever possible, all face- to-face trainings were converted face-to-face training to virtual sessions. ///// Sustainability / Financial Review / Business Review / Leadership / Governance /// MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 7 196 MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 7 197 /// Governance / Leadership / Business Review / Financial Review / Sustainability ///// Section Section