MISC Integrated Annual Report 2020

HIGHLIGHTS OF KEY ENGAGEMENTS IN 2020 Our stakeholder engagements are conducted with the aim of facilitating open discourse between the business and our stakeholders. By maintaining ongoing communications with our key stakeholder groups, we are able to promote better understanding and pave the way for mutually beneficial collaborations. With the COVID-19 pandemic, most engagements were conducted virtually through various platforms. The following table provides a summary of key engagements for the year with our various stakeholder groups. President/Group CEO Townhall One Heart. One Mind. One Dream, the theme for 2020 was unveiled by our President/Group CEO, Mr. Yee Yang Chien at the MISC President/Group CEO’s Townhall at KL Convention Centre in front of a live audience of more than 700 attendees across the MISC Family. We were privileged to have our colleagues at sea aboard the vessels, namely from Eagle Vancouver, Seri Amanah, Eagle Victoria, Seri Cenderawasih, Seri Ayu, Puteri Firus Satu, Bunga Kelana 8, Bunga Kelana 7, Puteri Zamrud, FSU , Eagle Trenton, Eagle Lyon and Seri Camar joining in the live streaming of the Townhall for the first time with other offices around the globe. Other townhalls and engagement sessions were conducted virtually by the leadership of our subsidiaries and business units, with their respective employees. A Date with The Reefs in Dayabumi, ALAM, MMHE and AET/Eaglestar As part of our Biodiversity Flagship Programme, we conducted “A Date with The Reefs” - a series of reef conservation awareness roadshows throughout the MISC Group. The event was participated by many enthusiastic employees who are passionate towards the sea and the environment. Participants conducted group discussions and shared their thoughts on threats to the oceans and corals, including ways that they could be part of the solution. They were also enlightened on the real issues damaging the reefs particularly those within the country by Reef Check Malaysia. The session ended with GHSSE giving a sneak preview into MISC’s biodiversity conservation journey. AET’s Bankers’ Virtual Appreciation Ceremony AET hosted its inaugural Bankers’ Virtual Appreciation Ceremony via Microsoft Teams, celebrating the successful closure of the USD575 million term loan facility. This facility is to fund the conversion of AET’s short-term loan into a longer-term financing facility which supports AET’s fleet rejuvenation programme. ANCHORING SUSTAINABILITY @ MISC MMS Contractors HSSE Engagement On 28 July 2020, MISC Maritime Services Sdn. Bhd. (MMS) organised its inaugural MMS Contractors HSSE Engagement, which was conducted on the virtual platform. About 100 participants joined this engagement that formed an excellent avenue for MMS together with its contractors and partners to create alignment and strengthen their commitment to HSSE (Health, Safety, Security & Environment) excellence. Contractors and partners who demonstrated exemplary performance by stepping up the safety leadership behaviours in delivering their services to MMS received their respective MMS HSSE Excellence Awards. In his keynote address MMS Managing Director (MD)/CEO Encik Hazrin Hasan emphasised that everyone must play a vital role to inculcate a stronger HSSE discipline and mindset. He advised all MMS contractors and partners to continuously place HSSE at the core of what they do to protect everyone they work with. MISC Berhad’s 51 st Annual General Meeting (AGM) In 2020, MISC Berhad’s 51 st Annual General Meeting (AGM) was conducted virtually for the first time via a successful live streaming session to our shareholders. The virtual AGM was chaired by Dato’ Ab. Halim Mohyiddin, Independent Non- Executive Director of MISC Berhad, while Mr. Yee Yang Chien, President/Group CEO, presented on our organisation’s FY2019 performance. Also present were MISC’s Board of Directors as well as its Management Committee members and other invited representatives. MMS MD/CEO Delivers Keynote Address at the 2 nd Tropical Ocean and Marine Sciences International Symposium MISC Group has always been passionate about sharing our aspiration in promoting harmony for the ocean and nature that is closely tied to our sustainability agenda. On 23 November 2020, Encik Hazrin Hasan, MD/CEO of MMS delivered his keynote address as a guest of honour for the 2 nd Tropical Ocean and Marine Sciences International Symposium. The virtual event organised by the Institute of Oceanography, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu brought together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars from all around the world. Encik Hazrin spoke insightfully about the blue economy, a topic that has been gaining more global attention in recent times. He also shared his valuable perspectives and emphasised the importance of a collective and sustainable approach for ocean conservation to restore a healthy ocean for future generations. Inaugural International Project Management Conference (IPMC) 2020 hosted by PETRONAS IPMC 2020 aims to share cross-industry project management best practices, lessons learnt, cutting edge technologies, tools and processes that help deliver value beyond merely project delivery. The event covered a variety of topics relevant to project management such as Leadership and Human Capital, Project HSSE and Quality, Project Contract and Commercial, Project Control and Monitoring, Project Stakeholder and Risk Management, Project Engineering and General Project Management. MISC Berhad played a vital role as the Technical Committee providing input into the evaluation of technical papers, selection of speakers and advisory roles in the technical event flow and management. IPMC 2020 turned out to be a success in terms of technical content and enabling participants to learn via the virtual platform. Lesson Learnt sessions with the Technical Committee were conducted and submitted to the event organiser for feedback and identification of areas that could be further improved. //// Highlights / Strategic Review / Sustainability / Financial Review / Business Review ///// MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 5 110 MISC Berhad / Integrated Annual Report 2020 5 111 ///// Business Review / Financial Review / Sustainability / Strategic Review / Highlights //// Section Section