2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 93 BUSINESS REVIEW Looking Forward to 2024 Looking forward to 2024, the Infrastructure Services division is poised to solidify our standing as a leading force within the domestic market. Our operational initiatives are laser-focused on maintaining market dominance by capitalising on newly secured businesses, ensuring exceptional service delivery and intensifying our customer-centric approach. Strategically, we are setting our sights on broadening our service portfolio and pursuing avenues for global expansion, while focusing on commercialising our premix products. Complementing these growth initiatives, we intend to enhance our technological infrastructure by executing the Infrastructure Services technology roadmap, thereby staying at the forefront of the tech and digital solutions revolution. This technological advancement will run parallel to the enhancement of existing ESG initiatives, ensuring that our growth is both innovative and responsible.