2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 91 BUSINESS REVIEW Initiative Outcome Programme Kitar Semula EIS This programme was undertaken to help reduce waste diverted to landfill. It has fostered a sense of community and responsibility among employees, reinforcing our commitment to sustainable practices. Sharing Ramadan’s Blessing with RSA’s Users By distributing food during Ramadan to RSA users at Sungai Buloh, the initiative has strengthened community ties and showcased UEM Edgenta’s dedication to supporting cultural practices and providing for those in need. Headquarters (“HQ”) and Central Region’s Iftar Celebration with Baitul Mahabbah Muallim The celebration has bolstered our image as a caring and community-focused entity, reinforcing our commitment to giving back and supporting social welfare initiatives. Local Projects Division and HQ Unite to Deliver Comfort to Masjid Al Falah, Klang The initiative has not only improved the physical environment of a local place of worship but also served as a catalyst for increased community engagement and cohesion. Protect Our Strays at Zero Strays Miri, Sarawak This programme has contributed to the wellbeing of stray animals and has raised awareness about animal welfare in the community, aligning with our broader commitment to societal issues. 3R Awareness Campaign for PLUS Highway Users The campaign has led to a user sustainability awareness and increased recycling habits along the highway. It has also enhanced public perception of UEM Edgenta as a socially responsible organisation. ESG Initiatives The Infrastructure Services division has remained steadfast in its commitment to ESG principles throughout 2023. The table below provides an overview of the ESG-focused initiatives that have been integral to our operations, reflecting our dedication to sustainability and social responsibility. Key Certifications/Awards The Infrastructure Services division achieved remarkable recognition for its commitment to workplace safety, obtaining both the Gold and Silver Award Winners for Occupational Safety and Health at the Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety and Health (“MSOSH”) 41st Awards in 2023.