2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 59 Sustainable Economic Growth Minimising Environmental Impact Governance Social Value Creation Sustainability Pillar Material Matter Definitions Using technology to transform our processes for enhanced efficiency and reduced costs, and to provide our customers with more effective and technologically-advanced solutions. M2 Taking concerted climate action by reducing our direct and indirect greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions and reducing energy consumption across our operations. M5 Conducting business ethically by preventing abuse of entrusted power for private gain, remaining compliant with laws and regulations and protecting the Group’s and our stakeholders’ data from cybersecurity breaches, while incorporating business ethics into our business practices and governance structure. M1 Meeting our customers’ quality standards while ensuring their health, safety and data privacy are safeguarded at all times. M9 Generating economic value from our business activities and sharing this value with local communities through remuneration and local hiring while driving continued market expansion. M3 Adopting responsible environmental management strategies across waste management, material use and water consumption. M6 Actively anticipating, recognising, evaluating and controlling hazards arising in or from our workplaces that could impair the health and wellbeing of our employees, including their mental health. M7 Ensuring a non-discriminatory and merit-based approach to employment while supporting talent growth and carrying out succession planning. M8 Actively monitoring and managing human rights matters across our value chain. M10 Devising and delivering community engagement initiatives and development programmes that create positive, long-term social impact. M11 Maintaining fair practices across our supply chain while developing local suppliers through purpose-fit programmes such as the Malaysian government’s Bumiputera Vendor Development Programme. M4 OUR MATERIAL MATTERS