2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 4 UEM Edgenta Berhad HOW WE CREATE VALUE 58 OUR MATERIAL MATTERS In our pursuit of a sustainable value creation journey, we prioritise the identification and review of sustainability issues critical to both our business and stakeholders. This entails conducting a comprehensive materiality assessment as required by regulators and industry best practices and monitoring it regularly, ensuring alignment with prevailing sustainability trends and industry benchmarks. Feedback from internal and external stakeholders, collected through surveys, provides invaluable insights into the ESG impacts of our operations and our position in the sustainability landscape. To maintain the relevance of our material issues, we conduct an annual review, responding promptly to stakeholder concerns, mitigating risks and seizing opportunities. In January 2023, we further enriched our understanding by engaging external stakeholders through interviews and additional online surveys, focusing on the existing list of 11 material matters. This collaborative effort allowed us to gather nuanced insights into evolving stakeholder expectations and refine our understanding of the material issues facing our industry. Our findings revealed a significant alignment between the material issues identified and the practices adopted within our industry, indicating close adherence to local regulations and sector-specific risks. Looking ahead, we remain committed to continuously enhancing the depth and scope of our materiality assessments to address stakeholder concerns and priorities, thereby ensuring the longterm sustainability of our organisation. The finalised list of material matters, detailed in this section, serves as the focal point for our reporting, communications and disclosures, both within this report and in our dedicated Sustainability Statement. We also recognise the importance of embracing the concept of double materiality in our operations. We will therefore be looking at embedding double materiality assessments into our decision making process moving forward. Topic Identification Stakeholder Engagement Analysis of Importance Matrix Generation Validation STEPS Material ESG matters are identified based on their relevance to UEM Edgenta Internal and external stakeholders are engaged to score the material ESG matters based on its importance Stakeholder responses are collated and analysed Based on the responses, a materiality matrix is generated for effective visualisation of the relative importance of the matters The materiality matrix is presented to the ESG department, ESG Steering Committee and Board of Directors for validation 1 2 3 4 5 MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS MATERIALITY MATRIX Through an analysis of stakeholder feedback, we constructed a detailed materiality matrix, illustrating the average ratings assigned to each concern throughout FY2023. These fluctuations in the relative positions of material matters allow us to synchronise our key ESG matters with our business strategy for 2023. The matrix serves as a guidepost, ensuring the comparative significance of each issue in relation to one another, all of which are integral components of our overarching strategic and ESG agendas within the Group. Key Takeaways: In light of the significance of all material topics, our materiality matrix emphasises the relative importance of each in comparison to others. While we acknowledge the importance and impact of all material matters, we have identified four areas namely Climate Change and Energy, Environmental Management, Supply Chain and Human Rights as focus areas to be prioritised. Nevertheless we still address the other areas and will move these into our priority lists as we progress in our materiality process. Low High High Importance to Stakeholder Significance of UEM Edgenta’s impact Environment Social Economic Environmental Management Supply Chain Management Climate Change and Energy Innovation Customer Satisfaction Business Ethics Occupational Health and Safety Economic Development Human Rights Assessment Employment Culture Local Community