2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 9 UEM Edgenta Berhad SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION 430 FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX Labour Standards (Cont’d) Indicator Code Indicator Indicator Question Location SLS29 Employee personal development training to enhance abilities or individual skills, including: a) Policy or commitment statement to provide employee personal development training Employment Culture, page 156 b) Detailed description of the personal development training that is provided Employment Culture, page 156 SLS30 The company addresses bullying and/or harassment: a) Providing a confidential reporting channel or whistleblowing system Corporate Integrity and Ethical Business Conduct, page 250 SLS33 Percentage of women in the global workforce Percentage of women in the global workforce Employment Culture, page 163 Year Employment Culture, page 163 Supply Chain (Social) SSC17 Capacity building for suppliers, including: b) Supplier mentoring, secondments, or supporting suppliers through sharing best practice Supply Chain Management, page 125126 Climate Change ECC01 Climate change impact including CO2/ GHG emissions - Policy or commitment statement to: a) Address the issue Climate Change and Energy, page 130 b) Reduce or avoid the impact or improve efficiency Climate Change and Energy, page 130-132 ECC03 Demonstrating support for mitigating climate change through: a) Membership of business associations Sustainability at UEM Edgenta - Driving Sustainability Through Partnerships, page 107 b) Company position on public policy and regulation Our Operating Environment and Market Trends, page 50 Climate Change and Energy, page 130 ECC05 Initiatives in place include measures to address climate change through adaptation: a) Company mentions addressing adaptation Our Operating Environment and Market Trends, page 50 Climate Change and Energy, page 130-132, 137 b) Company explains specific actions taken Our Operating Environment and Market Trends, page 50 Climate Change and Energy, page 130-132, 137