2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 9 UEM Edgenta Berhad SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION 428 FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX Health & Safety (Cont’d) Indicator Code Indicator Indicator Question Location SHS03 Board oversight of health and safety: a) Evidence of board or board committee oversight of management of health and safety risks Occupational Health and Safety, page 146 b) Named position responsible at Board level Occupational Health and Safety, page 146 SHS11 Programme regarding prevention and control of at least one global health issue which applies to: a) Employees Occupational Health and Safety, page 146-150 SHS05 Employee involvement in health and safety improvements, through: a) Participative initiatives such as employee health and safety committees Occupational Health and Safety, page 146-150 b) Management discussions on health and safety with worker representatives or trade unions Occupational Health and Safety, page 146 and 148 SHS13 Number of staff trained on health and safety standards within the last year Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 149-150 Staff trained on safety Occupational Health and Safety, page 149-150 SHS15 Lost-time incident rate, over last three years Coverage Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 Definition of lost time Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 Current Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 Current Year Lost Time Incident Rate Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T minus 1 Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T-1 Year Lost Time Incident Rate Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T minus 2 Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T-2 Lost Time Incident Rate Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 Data Type (Employees OR Employees+Contractors) Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 SHS01 Health and safety policy or commitment statement which: a) Identifies the issue as relevant and important Occupational Health and Safety, page 144 and 146-147 b) Applies to contractors or other external stakeholders Occupational Health and Safety, page 150 SHS04 Risk Assessment carried out regarding health and safety for: b) Existing operations or projects Occupational Health and Safety, page 146 SHS08 Performance monitoring and management of health and safety, demonstrated by: b) Performance benchmarking against industry standards Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 SHS10 For health and safety data, there is: a) Independent Verification by a third party Occupational Health and Safety, page 145