2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 427 FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX Human Rights & Community (Cont’d) Indicator Code Indicator Indicator Question Location SHR22 Identification of salient human rights issues specific to the business: Salient, industry or business-specific human rights issues are identified Human Rights Assessment, page 175-176 Commitment to engage with stakeholders to identify these issues Human Rights Assessment, page 175-176 SHR24 Embedding human rights commitments into corporate practice: Human rights expectations are clearly communicated to all stakeholders, including business partners Human Rights Assessment, page 175 All staff or specific staff/departments are trained on human rights policy Human Rights Assessment, page 175 SHR26 Grievance mechanisms in place for individuals and communities impacted by business activities Formal mechanisms cover human rights explicitly, guarantee confidentiality/anonymity, and are available to internal and external stakeholders Corporate Integrity and Ethical Business Conduct, page 250 Health & Safety SHS38 Number of work-related employee fatalities, over last three years Coverage Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 Current Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 Current Year Fatalities Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T minus 1 Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T-1 Fatalities Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T minus 2 Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T -2 Fatalities Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 SHS39 Policy or commitment statement on reducing health and safety impact through: a) Commitment to continuous improvement Occupational Health and Safety, page 144-147 SHS40 Number of work-related contractor fatalities, over last three years Current Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T-0 Contractor Fatalities Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T minus 1 Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T-1 Contractor Fatalities Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T minus 2 Year Occupational Health and Safety, page 152 T-2 Contractor Fatalities Occupational Health and Safety, page 152