2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 9 UEM Edgenta Berhad SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION 426 FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX Risk Management (Cont’d) Indicator Code Indicator Indicator Question Location GRM07 The company's Codes/charters/policy documents or equivalent: a) Describe the company's risk management framework Statement On Risk Management and Internal Control, page 239 b) This risk management framework specifically covers ESG risks Statement On Risk Management and Internal Control, page 239 GRM12 The company: a) Reviews compliance with its Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics and identifies any non-compliance Corporate Integrity and Ethical Business Conduct, page 248 Human Rights & Community SHR03 Statement of principles or process by which community investments are made: a) Covering defined focus areas Local community, page 178 b) Community investment focus area(s) linked to the company's business strategy Local community, page 178 SHR05 Commitment to local employment and/or sourcing: a) Comment on local employment/ sourcing Economic Development, page 121 b) Clear commitment Economic Development, page 121 SHR15 Output/outcome of specific results, achievements or benefits of community investments: a) Details of output/outcome including non-quantified Local community, page 178-181 b) Quantification of output/outcome Local community, page 179-182 SHR16 Mechanisms to facilitate employee engagement and involvement with charitable partners: a) Evidence of recognising volunteering Local community, page 178 - 182 SHR25 Human rights impact assessment and mitigation The company proactively assesses its human rights impacts on an ongoing basis, as part of core business processes Human Rights Assessment, page 175 Disclosure of actions implemented for avoidance, prevention and mitigation of human rights issues Human Rights Assessment, page 175 SHR27 Disclosure of incidents of human rights violations Incidents are disclosed, or the company states no incidents occurred in the reporting period Human Rights Assessment, page 177 Incident responses or learnings are disclosed, or the company states no incidents occurred in the reporting period Human Rights Assessment, page 177 SHR21 Public commitment to respect and support the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights: The company has made a specific commitment to apply either the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Human Rights Assessment, page 175