2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 9 UEM Edgenta Berhad SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION 424 Corporate Governance (Cont’d) Indicator Code Indicator Indicator Question Location GCG01 Separate Non-Executive Chair and CEO a) Separate Non-Executive Chair and CEO, where Chair is not independent OR their independence is not declared Corporate Information, page 183 b) Separate Non-Executive Chair and CEO, where Chair is independent Corporate Information, page 183 GCG02 Disclosure of details about Directors: a) Expertise Board Of Directors’ Profile, page 187-197 b) Other Directorships Board Of Directors’ Profile, page 187-197 GCG07 Board addresses: a) Conflicts of interest Board Of Directors’ Profile, page 186 b) Related party transactions Audit Committee Report, page 235 GCG08 Periodic evaluation of board effectiveness: a) Review (can have no clear timeframe) Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 225 b) Evaluation with a clear timeframe (e.g. annually or other set period) Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 220 GCG09 Disclosure of: a) Board Committee(s) Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 218-219 b) Their Charters, terms of reference or equivalent Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 212 GCG10 Disclosure of number of times the board/ each committee have/has met per annum: a) The Board Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 218 b) Each Committee Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 218-219 GCG19 Annual General Meeting: Number of days between the date of notice and date of meeting AGM Notice Filing Date (DD-MMMYYYY) Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 234 AGM Date (DD-MMM-YYYY) Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 234 GCG21 Shareholders have the right to vote on executive remuneration: a) Evidence of shareholders voting in the AGM Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 234 b) The right to vote annually is explicitly covered in a company policy Corporate Governance Overview Statement, page 234 GCG42 Does the company provide for one share one vote for all company meeting resolutions? a) Yes; the company has one share one vote for all of its outstanding shares Notes To the Financial Statements, page 341 FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX