2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 39 MD/CEO’S STATEMENT OUTLOOK As we step into 2024, UEM Edgenta is poised for an exciting phase of growth, driven by a robust orderbook from 2023’s strong contract executions and new wins. Our focus will be on leveraging technology, environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) principles and enhancing customer experience to meet evolving needs. The diverse pace of digital adoption presents an opportunity to elevate our business model towards higher margins and sustainability. With our Asseto Platform spearheading UEM Edgenta’s digital innovation, we are reshaping tech-enabled services for the built environment. We empower facility managers and building owners with real-time insights, enabling proactive decision-making and efficient operations. Through the integration of Internet of Things (“IoT”) sensors and artificial intelligence (“AI”) analytics, we actively minimise downtime and maximise asset performance, yielding tangible results. At the core of our solution is a commitment to sustainability. Our Asseto Platform actively unlocks actionable insights that drive continuous improvement and optimisation, helping clients reduce energy consumption, lower carbon footprints and achieve their environmental goals. We offer a comprehensive strategy and a full spectrum of services including consultancy, advisory and tailored sustainability solutions and a Zero-Capex model. We are consistently innovating our technology offerings to stay ahead of the curve, meeting evolving client needs. Our tech-enabled approach ensures seamless integration with existing systems and third-party applications, thus maximising return on investment (“ROI”) for our clients. Besides that, our Recycled Asphalt Pavement (“RAP”) plant which is expected to be launched in the second quarter of 2024 is set to reduce up to 800 tonnes in carbon dioxide (“CO2”) emissions annually. This reflects our commitment to integrating business and sustainability to create synergies to ensure operational efficiency and long-term success while meeting global standards. As we navigate through the challenges presented by both the macroeconomic landscape and the unique dynamics of our industry, our foremost objective remains the attainment of sustainable profitability. Our strategic approach will revolve around the meticulous optimisation and rationalisation of costs across all levels, streamlining our operating model, and mitigating risks associated with our business portfolio through strategic diversification. Central to our strategy is the prioritisation of endeavours where we hold a distinct advantage, maximising our potential for success. Concurrently, we will diligently evaluate the monetisation prospects of non-core businesses, while opportunistically exploring select opportunities to ensure the continuous expansion of our revenue streams, while maintaining our commitment to sustainable profitability. We are confident that our strategies will help us mitigate structural challenges in the short-term and chart transformational growth in the medium to longterm. We look forward to seeing the results that they will bring as we pursue opportunities that lie ahead to drive our business forward. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In closing, my heartfelt thanks go out to all our stakeholders, loyal customers and the committed management team for their steadfast support and dedication. Special recognition is deserved by our Edgenta Stars, whose extraordinary efforts constantly motivate us, and our gratitude extends to our suppliers and vendors for their invaluable partnership. The trust placed in us by our shareholders propels our ambition forward, and we deeply appreciate the communities where we operate, whose welcoming support allows us to expand and flourish. As we move forward, our collective commitment is to not only sustain but enhance our trajectory towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. Our efforts in strategic markets and the global workforce are underpinned by a strong commitment to sustainability, ensuring that as we grow, we remain dedicated to responsible practices that benefit both our planet and its people. Together, we are poised to make significant strides in shaping a future that values sustainability as much as success, ensuring a lasting impact for generations to come. SYAHRUNIZAM SAMSUDIN Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer