2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 365 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 41. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (CONTD.) (b) Liquidity risk (contd.) Analysis of financial instruments by remaining contractual maturities (contd.) The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s and the Company’s liabilities at the reporting date based on contractual undiscounted repayment obligations (contd.). Group On demand or within one year RM’000 One to five years RM’000 More than five years RM’000 Total RM’000 2022 Financial liabilities: Trade and other payables 665,385 10,776 - 676,161 Lease liabilities 13,708 29,115 - 42,823 Loans and borrowings: - IMTNs - 296,970 - 296,970 - Revolving credit 101,732 - - 101,732 - Term loans 27,845 88,325 - 116,170 Total undiscounted financial liabilities 808,670 425,186 - 1,233,856 Company On demand or within one year RM’000 One to five years RM’000 More than five years RM’000 Total RM’000 2023 Financial liabilities: Other payables 25,530 - - 25,530 Lease liabilities 10,342 11,142 - 21,484 Loans and borrowings: - Revolving credit 85,000 - - 85,000 - IMTNs - 288,341 - 288,341 Total undiscounted financial liabilities 120,872 299,483 - 420,355