2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 229 A Board Leadership and Effectiveness B Effective Audit and Risk Management C Integrity in Corporate Reporting and Meaningful Relationship with Stakeholders CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Effective Risk Management and Internal Control Framework The Board has overall responsibility for the system of Risk Management and Internal Control which includes financial controls, operational and compliance controls to ensure the safeguarding of shareholders’ investments, customers’ interests and the Company’s assets. The Board discharges its risk governance and oversight functions through the Board Governance & Risk Committee (“BGRC”), which undertakes governance and compliance duties and responsibilities in addition to the oversight of risk management matters. The BGRC reviews the effectiveness of risk management framework to manage the overall risk exposure to the Group. It also monitors the Integrity & Governance unit and oversee issues of corruption, fraud, malpractice & unethical conduct within the organisation. While the BGRC is responsible for assessing and monitoring the efficacy of the risk management controls and measures taken, the AC is responsible for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal controls through the work performed by the Internal Audit function. For the year under review, the BGRC, chaired by Dato’ George Stewart LaBrooy, comprises a total of four (4) members, with a majority being Independent Non-Executive Directors. The BGRC operates within defined terms of references. The Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control as set out on pages 238 to 246 of this Annual Report provides an overview of the state of internal controls within the Group. COMMUNICATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS The Group recognises the importance of timely dissemination of quality information to shareholders and other stakeholders. Therefore, the Board is committed to ensure transparency and accountability to its shareholders and other stakeholders by dissemination of information via various platforms/channels as follows:- • Annual Report. • Various disclosures and announcements via Bursa LINK including quarterly results. • Analyst briefings, press releases and announcements to the media. • Dialogues and presentations at general meetings to provide overview and clear rationale with regard to the proposals tabled for approval by shareholders. • Online investor relations on the Company’s website. • All announcements made via Bursa LINK will also be posted on the Company’s website. The Company’s website is a one-stop page that one could easily access to the above information. It has a dedicated section that provides investors with detailed information on the Group’s business, commitments and latest developments. To keep up with the current trend, the Company also has an Instagram account, a social media channel that is regularly updated with the Company’s news and events. The message and email functions are also activated on Instagram, for the public’s convenience if they wish to reach out to the Company. Shareholders may forward any concern/queries to Investor Relations at ir@edgenta.com and all relevant and appropriate issues raised will be addressed accordingly. While the Company endeavours to provide as much information as possible to its shareholders and stakeholders, the Company is mindful of the legal and regulatory framework governing the release of material and price-sensitive information. RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL FRAMEWORK