2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 177 Looking ahead, our commitment remains firm in adhering to international best practices and bolstering compliance across all aspects of our operations. We are dedicated to refining our human rights policy to ensure it reflects our strong dedication to ethical conduct and respect for human rights. Moreover, we will diligently assess the action points identified through our Human Rights Impact Assessments (“HRIA”) and strive towards better alignment with international standards. As part of our growth strategy, we are exploring opportunities to expand into international offices and supply chains. In doing so, we aim to strengthen our global presence while upholding our values and principles. Critical to this endeavour is the enhancement of our code of conduct for business partners. By fostering a shared commitment to ethical business practices, we aim to ensure that our partners uphold the same standards of integrity and accountability that we hold ourselves to. OUTLOOK OVERALL PERFORMANCE Number of substantiated complaints concerning human rights violations in 2020 - 2023 0 CASES Number of confirmed cases of forced, indentured, bonded or involuntary labour SOCIAL VALUE CREATION