2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 6 UEM Edgenta Berhad ENHANCING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY 176 Top Initiatives and Programmes in 2023: Human Rights Awareness Sessions: Conducted a series of sessions covering all regions in Malaysia to enhance awareness and understanding of human rights principles among employees. LeadershipSpecific Awareness Session: Organised a dedicated human rights awareness session for UEM Edgenta’s Senior Leadership Team, facilitated by a Human Rights lawyer to ensure leadership alignment. Commissioning HRIA initiative: Took a crucial step by embarking on a Human Rights Impact Assessment (“HRIA”), showcasing the commitment to conduct a thorough assessment aligned with UN Guiding Principles. Roll-out of Sexual Harassment Notice: Initiated the implementation of a notice on sexual harassment, reinforcing a zerotolerance policy and establishing mechanisms for addressing such issues. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement: Rolled out a comprehensive statement affirming the company’s commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. SOCIAL VALUE CREATION