2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 6 UEM Edgenta Berhad ENHANCING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY 174 WHAT VALUE WAS CREATED IN 2023? Fostering customer loyalty lays the groundwork for developing specialised and customisable services that effectively meet customer needs. We continuously adapt and refine our service offerings based on customer preferences and requirements. Our strong focus on customer satisfaction encompasses various aspects, including enhancing service quality, building exceptional customer relationships, ongoing system improvements, innovative mechanisation, and efficient problem-solving. This approach not only ensures client satisfaction but also encourages contract renewals. Moreover, our commitment to staff welfare, adherence to ESG principles, and flexibility in adjusting services to match evolving market dynamics set us apart from competitors. When executed skillfully and tailored to individual customer needs, these strategies give us a competitive advantage in the marketplace. OVERALL PERFORMANCE Our approach in upholding a good customer satisfaction has been translated into both an overall good Customer Satisfaction Survey (“CSS”) in the year 2023 across our operating companies and have enabled us to retain our current customers. Scored 89% on the Customer Satisfaction Survey (“CSS”) (2022:88%) OUTLOOK As we move forward, we are poised to harness the power of data, technology, and advanced analytics to gain deeper insights from customer surveys and feedback in a systematic manner. By leveraging data-driven tools, we aim to uncover patterns, trends, and specific pain points. These insights will serve as a compass for strategic decision-making, empowering UEM Edgenta to implement targeted enhancements in its services and customer interactions, thereby elevating overall satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty. In response to the evolving landscape of customer needs and expectations, we are committed to adapting our strategies by instituting regular feedback mechanisms. In the immediate term, our focus will be on introducing and optimising channels for real-time customer feedback, spanning surveys, reviews, and direct communication. This will include ongoing customer feedback sessions, engagement initiatives, and swift resolution of immediate customer concerns. Investments in research and development, upskilling of our workforce, collaboration with external partners, and the utilisation of emerging technologies for continuous innovation and the development of new products or services will enhance our customer value. Furthermore, our emphasis will be on delivering exceptional customer experiences across all touch points, encompassing streamlined processes, greater customer support, and personalised interactions. SOCIAL VALUE CREATION