2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 173 WHAT IS OUR APPROACH? To continuously enhance our services, we employ proactive measures during meetings to gather insights and suggestions for refinement. Bi-annual Customer Satisfaction Surveys (“CSS”) is conducted systematically to gather feedback. Our on-site management team actively engages with end users, swiftly adapting and implementing improvements to address any service gaps. Additionally, we closely monitor customer retention rates and analyse the frequency of repeat engagements. Regular surveys and reviews help us identify pain points and refine our core service offerings to meet evolving customer demands and expectations. To ensure a structured and prompt response to customer feedback, we develop a comprehensive corrective action plan after receiving the reports. This plan delineates detailed improvement initiatives, covering both soft and hard services, with a clear timeline for implementation. We leverage customer surveys and feedback to extract actionable insights through: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WHY IT MATTERS? In our corporate culture, we understand the significance of satisfied customers in fostering enduring relationships. Their fundamental to building loyalty, extending beyond mere transactions to form lasting partnerships. By actively listening to our clients, promptly addressing concerns, and flexibly adapting our services to meet their evolving needs, we create an environment where trust and exceptional service flourish. Quantitative and qualitative analysis STEP 1 Root-cause analysis* STEP 2 Customer exit interview to gather feedback for comparison and improvement STEP 3 Measurement of Client Satisfaction STEP 4 * Customer feedback is carefully examined across various service categories and compared against the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) specified in contracts. Our management approach revolves around ongoing training, career development opportunities, and clear goal-setting. We empower our employees to achieve shared objectives. In response to negative feedback, we swiftly collaborate with clients to implement immediate improvements. When faced with challenges in meeting timelines or client expectations, we engage in transparent discussions, seeking mutually beneficial solutions. We analyse customer surveys and feedback comprehensively. Following each survey, the team works together to devise solutions aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction, ensuring that clients are kept informed and involved throughout the improvement process. SOCIAL VALUE CREATION