2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 157 SOCIAL VALUE CREATION 1. 2020 - 2022 data covers UEM Edgenta MY only. 2. 2023 data is group-wide, excluding EAL. TRAINING Average Cost of Training per Employee (RM) 2023 4,374 2020 1,558 2021 1,044 2022 1,041 1. 2020 - 2022 data covers UEM Edgenta MY only. 2. 2023 data covers group-wide excl. EAL. Approved Training Budget (RM) 2023 6.72 million 2020 8.06 million 2021 6.24 million 2022 5.52 million Number of Hours Spent on Employee Development Training 2023 301,895 2021 95,216 2022 313,899 The reported training data excludes non-classroom training methods, such as mentoring, job shadowing, job rotation, participation in projects, reading, and other similar activities. 1. 2021 data covers UEM Edgenta MY only. 2. 2022 & 2023 data covers group-wide excl. EAL. Number of Employee Upskilling Programmes 2023 2,246 Data for 2023 covers Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan operations only Employees Receiving Regular Performance and Career Development Reviews 2023 100% 85% for OME and 25% for UEMS 2020 100% 2021 100% 2022 100% Data for 2023 covers Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan operations only