2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 155 Employee engagement at UEM Edgenta has fostered more open and honest communication, leading to enhanced team collaboration and decision-making processes. Our focus on employee engagement has significantly contributed to overall productivity and individual performance. We conduct company-wide engagement and communication sessions, including the Annual Management Dialogues ("AMD"), town halls, Leadership Exchange and Action Programme ("LEAP"), and site visits, to engage employees and facilitate communication. There was also active effort to engage with staff at the grassroots level through the “HR Turun Padang” initiative, launched in 2023. Feedback received highlighted the need for more active management involvement in operations and customisation in the recognition approach, prompting the introduction of rewards and acknowledgment to demonstrate appreciation for the contribution made by employees. The implementation of the Employee Engagement Survey ("EES") helps gauge overall employee satisfaction, with action planning and execution set to be a focus for 2024. There has been an increased demand for more engagement activities that can promote direct interaction for 2-way communication on various people-related matters. UEM Edgenta will continue to promote initiatives like the Mental Health Month, Edgenta Sihat, the Sports and Recreational Club ("SRC"), and the utilisation of Naluri. Edgenta Care Society Event • As of December 2023, we have disbursed RM16,912 in assistance for 10 of our Edgenta colleagues. Employees Wellness and Wellbeing Programmes • MD Walkabout Series • Infra Mega Sports Sustainability and Employees Engagement Programmes • ESG Awareness Month 2023 • HR Turun Padang WHAT VALUE WAS CREATED IN 2023? Improving Employee Engagement Survey (“EES”) The EES helps gauge overall employee satisfaction and as a result we have consistently maintain a score above 70 on Employee Engagement Survey. The results and feedback from Employee Engagement Survey is analysed and task force is created to address matters arising from the Employee Engagement Survey. SOCIAL VALUE CREATION Disclosures3 2019 2022 2023 We have conducted Employee Engagement Survey in 2023 and we are 1 point higher than the Malaysia norm. Employee Engagement Surveys (“EES”) Score 74% 71% 70% Notes3: 1. The scores are 1 point higher than the Malaysia norm excluding EAL. 2. EES was not conducted in 2020 and 2021. UEMS Singapore Initiatives • Launched UETrack™ ESG – a sustainability app for all UEMS staff in Sept 2023 • Corporate Social Responsibilities initiative partnering with Lions Befrienders Singapore to distribute 1,000 care packs • Refurbished laptops were given to staff by Tech Services