2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 6 UEM Edgenta Berhad ENHANCING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY 150 Programmes Key Highlights Contractor Engagement Roadshow (“CER”) A total of 231 contractors participated in the CER where the team shared pocket talks on HSSE Leadership, Traffic Management, HCM, Infra VDP and RAMS. Walk the Talk Visits (“WTVs”) for contractor leadership Conducted as a practical guide to Perintis contractors on how to effectively communicate HSSE with employees at multiple locations along NSE and managed to get full participation from all 26 Perintis contractors’ companies. Total of 238 pax including contractors, Edgenta Stars and clients participated in the visits. Perintis Council Programme Held two Perintis Council Meetings with a take-up rate of 85% (130 touchpoints) consisting of contractors’ owner & HSSE coordinators, Edgenta Stars (HSSE practitioners & operations) and client (PLUS). Organised pocket talks on Learning From Incident, HSSE Documentation, Traffic Management, PPE and PTW. SOCIAL VALUE CREATION A total of 152 training sessions have been conducted in 2023 Disclosures 2020 2021 2022 2023 Number of training programmes for employees on occupational health and safety Not tracked Not tracked 255 152 Number of all employees and workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system 4140 3965 3645 3900 Number of all employees and workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system that has been internally audited 3674 3493 3195 3900 Number of all employees and workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system that has been audited or certified by external party 3674 3493 3195 3900 Advocating Health and Safety in our Supply Chain Beyond the health and safety of our employees, we also recognise the need to promote good health and safety practices among our business partners and contractors/vendors. By adopting a cohesive approach towards this issue, we can achieve a more robust, safer ecosystem within our value chain. OSH Training and Management System We conduct thorough audit processes integrated within our OSH management systems. These internal audits serve as a proactive measure to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our OSH protocols, ensuring that our workforce operates within a secure environment. Percentage of employees completed the mandatory OHS e-learning modules (%) 100% 1,738 of employees HSSE training cumulatively 130 vendors and Contractors (Perintis Council) completed health and safety trainings With the measures in place, we managed to achieve a 100% success rate in assessing health and safety impacts from the products and services we provide.