2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 149 Inculcating A Culture Of Health And Safety To prevent and reduce injuries and illnesses in our workforce, we prioritise the importance of health and safety standards for our employees and workers by: Programmes Key Highlights Safety Day 2023 (theme “Safety Starts from Home”) Focus on employee safety during their daily commutes across all UEM Edgenta entities, including international businesses and contractor partners. Personal Security E-Learning Personal security E-Learning entails understanding, owning responsibilities, and consistently applying best practices to safeguard oneself, emphasising individual accountability. 59 staffs fully enrolled in the learning module via our digital learning platform. Brown Bag Session: Personal Security Launch of Brown Bag Session for Personal Security to create awareness of crime prevention, educate on the methodology or modus operandi in a crime as well as general tip on how to avoid becoming a victim. Multiple sessions were conducted with total attendance more than 500 staffs through physical and online participation. Personal Security Handbook Launched of Personal Security Handbook with focus on comprehensive coverage of personal safety principles, individual responsibilities, and essential practices for effective security in everyday life, emphasising accountability and awareness. Launched the HSSE Pocketbook Outlined all the essential requirements to be complied with during the execution of risky tasks. Hosted Defensive Driving Training ("DDT") Addressed the rising number of commuting incidents by conducting seven impactful sessions with a total of 134 staff. Also conducted a session for contractors with a total of 91 participants focusing on drivers in high-risk category. HSSE Capability Assessment ("HCA") Conducted the pilot assessment in Central Region on selected mainline contractors where 64% (14 of 22 contractors) were rated 1-star. They attended small group coaching sessions conducted by our HSSE practitioners to help improve their HSSE capability. Average HCA score improved from 1-star to 2-star. We conducted evaluations on 97 mainline contractors responsible for 288 contracts along the NSE. As of 5 January 2023, the overall average HPR 2023 result stands at 2 stars. There has been a notable improvement in HPR 2023, with a 3.9% increase to 69.36%, compared to 65.5% in HPR 2022. Despite the operational challenges faced by contractors, this rise in scores signifies a positive trend. However, for those who fail to adhere to the relevant HSSE rules and regulations, we are prepared to take action and impose penalties as outlined in our HSSE Consequence Management procedures. Our HSSE Consequence Management process is structured into a 3-tier system, as detailed below. SOCIAL VALUE CREATION HSSE Violation based on the 12 Life Saving Rules and risk matrix Completion of HSSE Consequence Management by HSSE practitioner Deduction from next payment 1 2 3 HSSE Performance Ranking 97 mainline contractors servicing 288 contracts along NSE were evaluated. As of 5 Jan 2023, overall average HPR 2023 result is 2-stars. An improvement of 3.9% in HPR 2023 (69.36%) compared to HPR 2022 (65.5%). The score’s improvement shows positive development despite operational challenges faced by contractors.