2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 6 UEM Edgenta Berhad ENHANCING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY 142 Environmental Awareness Programmes (Continued) Our 2023 CSR Programmes: • Organised an Awareness Training Programme during the Green Building Forum-Journey Towards Green Building Hospitals in Pulau Pinang. Other Sustainability Initiatives • Implementation of Sustainable Waste Management Programme ("SWMP") including the utilisation of weighing scales for waste, food and kitchen waste bins, usage of composting machines, managing organic and landscape waste in various hospitals that we operate in. • Participated in various environmental and social events that were funded by MoH including: i. Lestari Fun Ride & Ekspo at Hospital Kuala Nerang ii. Programme Penanaman Bakau Bersama Komuniti in Kedah • Established an Arboretum Education Center at the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve in Puchong in partnership with University Putra Malaysia ("UPM"). This initiative specifically focuses on the conservation and development of the Dipterocarp genus, a family of hardwood tropical trees primarily found in Sarawak, Sabah, and Peninsular Malaysia. The dedicated section within the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve will transform into an arboretum, serving as a knowledge hub for students, researchers, and the public to deepen their understanding of forests and the Dipterocarp genus. MINIMISING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT • #EdgentaActGreenCampaign Tree Planting CSR Programme in collaboration with the Forest Department of Sarawak ("FDS") and local communities. 80 Edgenta Stars from Opus Sarawak successfully completed the #EdgentaActGreenCampaign Tree Planting CSR Programme. Over 1,000 valuable native trees from various species were planted at Sabal Forest Reserve in Simunjan, Sarawak. The campaign aligned with Malaysia’s “100 million Trees campaign by 2025” to raise awareness about the importance of conserving forest areas.