2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 113 WHAT VALUE WAS CREATED IN 2023? COLLABORATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS ADVANCEMENTS IN INTEGRITY & COMPLIANCE We collaborate with stakeholders to tackle integrity and anti-corruption issues head-on. This involves engaging in workshops, forums, and direct discussions to promote transparency and ethical behaviour. Together, we develop and implement strong policies, procedures, and training programmes to prevent corruption. Our goal is to foster a culture of integrity and accountability, ensuring that we operate ethically and sustainably. UEM Edgenta is proactive in conducting programmes to reach out to our Edgenta Stars. We have made significant progress in advancing integrity and compliance through a multi-faceted approach. This includes tightening internal controls, enhancing compliance training programmes, and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance with regulations and ethical standards. Additionally, our collaborations with stakeholders have been instrumental in continuously improving our practices and services. Furthermore, we have obtained certifications that demonstrate our commitment to integrity and compliance, further solidifying our dedication to conducting business with the utmost integrity and in full compliance with regulations. GOVERNANCE For more information on the engagement please refer to Corporate Integrity and Ethical Business Conduct Section on page 251 of this annual report 5 Meet and greet activities with employees to create risk awareness and understand on the ground challenges 5 Compliance site visits and engagements to evaluate operations for risk identification and verification 5 Integrity awareness sessions 1 Vendor and business partners engagement to assess adherence to UEM Edgenta’s risk policies and practices and receive feedback 3 External stakeholder engagement activities to understand risk matters in our operations and service offerings