2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 6 UEM Edgenta Berhad ENHANCING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY 110 ESG is integrated into the target setting, resource allocation, and performance measurement. It is also a key criterion in the Board Evaluation Assessment, evaluating Board roles, responsibilities, and performance. SUSTAINABILITY AT UEM EDGENTA Establish Clear Goals and Strategies We prioritise instilling a strong sustainability mindset throughout our Board. The Board actively engages in workshops, seminars, and invites external experts to stay updated on ESG matters and best practices. All directors have attended at least one training related to ESG in year 2023. We have provided 2 Board Awareness Session in 2023. Education and Awareness Education and Awareness ESG KPIs are integrated into the corporate and business unit scorecards and performance evaluations take into consideration achievement of ESG targets. Incentivise Sustainable Practices Policies and practices undergo regular review and assessment for sustainability initiative effectiveness. Review and Adapt The board is increasingly looking at ways to integrate sustainability matters into our decision-making process. It considers the Group’s material matters, regulatory requirements, rating standards and best practices when evaluating policies, processes and investment opportunities. Integrate Sustainability into Decision-Making Process ESG matters are a regular agenda discussion in our quarterly board meetings. We ensure timely updates, frequent discussions, and engagement on sustainability progress, performance, and areas for improvement. For more information on our Corporate Governance responsibilities, see page 212 to 234 of our Integrated Report. Transparency and Reporting ESG: 37.25 hours Business Sustainability: 199.5 hours Total Training Hours for Board of Directors The following section describes how we embed sustainability metrics into our decision making and performance evaluation processes.