2023 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

Section 6 UEM Edgenta Berhad ENHANCING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY 98 SUSTAINABILITY AT UEM EDGENTA At UEM Edgenta, we align ourselves with principles that matter to our stakeholders, actively managing and operating a responsible business while securing profits and driving long-term value creation. In this regard, we strive to create innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing challenges facing our planet and society. Our dedication to sustainability is about driving long-term economic growth while making positive impacts on the world we all share. We envision the Edgenta of The Future 2025 (“EoTF2025”) as a means to deliver top-notch services to our customers fuelled by precision, cutting-edge technology, and unwavering safety standards. Our sustainability goals are guided by our Sustainability Framework which underpins three core pillars – Sustainable Economic Growth, Minimising Environmental Impact and Social Value Creation. They serve as a roadmap guiding us towards making a meaningful difference that contribute to a brighter future for all. UEM EDGENTA’s Sustainability Framework OUR MISSION • Our services, commitment to smarter thinking and improved solutions place us at the forefront of the industry. • We create opportunities for clients and assets that positively influence society. OUR VISION Optimising Assets to Improve Lives OUR STRATEGY EDGENTA OF THE FUTURE 2025 (“EoTF2025”) EXPAND footprint and deepen solutions base EXTRACT value from core businesses ENHANCE product and technology proposition PRIORITISED UNSDGS Business Ethics M1 Climate Change and Energy M5 Environmental Management M6 Innovation and Technologybased Operational Excellence M2 Economic Development M3 Supply Chain Management M4 For more information on Sustainable Economic Growth, see page 116 For more information on Minimising Environmental Impact, see page 130 For more information on Social Value Creation, see page 144 For more information on our Sustainability Performance Data, see page 415 Customer Satisfaction M9 Human Rights Assessment M10 Occupational Health and Safety M7 Local Community M11 Employment Culture M8 Sustainable Economic Growth Minimising Environmental Impact Social Value Creation