2022 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

FTSE4Good Content Index Location ENVIRONMENT (CONTINUE) Water Security (continue) EWT24 Water management plan (including water recycling system): a) Company discloses and details its water management plan at the company level/ site specific Minimising Environment Impact, Water Consumption, Page 147 b) Company discloses the number and/or proportion of sites with a water management plan Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT25 Does the company engage with its stakeholders at water stressed sites: Does the company engage with its stakeholders at water stressed sites Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT26 Water-stressed/scarce regions: a) Company has identified it operates in water-stressed regions Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Company discloses the number and/or proportion of facilities, assets, production, revenue in water-stressed regions Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT27 Water withdrawals/ consumption in water stressed regions Water withdrawals/consumption in water stressed regions Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Water withdrawals/consumption in water stressed regions - % if absolute value is no disclosed Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Year Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT28 Financial quantification of: a) Costs associated with water-related risks Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Investment in R&D to mitigate water-related risks Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT29 Does the company disclose the number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permits, standards and regulations Does the company disclose the number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permits, standards and regulations Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT30 Latest Year Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Three years of total water discharge data is disclosed by destination Ocean total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Surface Water total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Subsurface/well total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Three years of total water discharge data is disclosed by destination Off-site water treatment total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Beneficial/other use total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report T minus 1 year Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report FTSE4Good Content Index Location ENVIRONMENT (CONTINUE) Water Security (continue) EWT30 Three years of total water discharge data is disclosed by destination (continue) Ocean total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Surface Water total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Subsurface/well total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Off-site water treatment total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Beneficial/other use total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Total Discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report T minus 2 year Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Ocean total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Surface Water total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Subsurface/well total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Off-site wate treatment total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Beneficial/other use total discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Total Discharge Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EWT31 Three years of total water withdrawal data is disclosed by source: Latest Year Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Surface water from rivers, lakes, natural ponds Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Groundwater from wells, boreholes Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Used quarry water collected in the quarry Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Municipal potable water Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report External wastewater Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Harvested rainwater Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Sea water, water extracted from the sea or the ocean Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Total Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report T minus 1 year Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report Surface water from rivers, lakes, natural ponds Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX p.416 p.417 UEM EDGENTA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION