2022 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

FTSE4Good Content Index Location CLIMATE CHANGE (CONTINUE) ECC73 The company discloses involvement in organisations dedicated specifically to climate-related issues: (a) I ts memberships of any organisations dedicated to climate-related issues Minimising Environment Impact, Addressing Climate Change and Exploring Energy Efficiency, Page 132 (b) Its involvement in these organisations Minimising Environment Impact, Addressing Climate Change and Exploring Energy Efficiency, Page 132 ECC50 Climate-related risk management procedures: a) I ntegrated into multi-disciplinary company-wide risk management Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) S pecific climate-related risk management process Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report ECC77 The company has a decarbonisation strategy to meet its long, medium and short-term GHG reduction targets: The company identifies the set of actions it intends to take to achieve its GHG reduction targets over the targeted timeframe. These measures clearly refer to the main sources of its GHG emissions, including Scope 3 emissions where applicable. Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report The company quantifies key elements of this strategy with respect to the major sources of its emissions, including scope 3 emissions where applicable (e.g. changing technology or product mix, supply chain measures, research and development spending). Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report The company discloses the quantified contribution of each action in terms of the approximate proportion of the overall GHG target that the action will account for. Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report ECC78 The company is working to decarbonise its future capital expenditures: The company explicitly commits to align all future capital expenditures with its long-term GHG target(s) OR with the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius. Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report The company explicitly commits to phase out investments in carbon intensive assets or products. Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report The company discloses the methodology it uses to align its future capex with its decarbonisation goals Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report ENVIRONMENT Pollution & Resources EPR01 Pollution - policy or commitment statement to: a) Address the issue Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) R educe or avoid the impact or improve efficiency Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR02 Waste - policy or commitment statement to: a) Address the issue Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Page 142 b) R educe or avoid the impact or improve efficiency Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Waste Management, Page 143 FTSE4Good Content Index Location ENVIRONMENT (CONTINUE) Pollution & Resources (continue) EPR03 Resource use - policy or commitment statement to: a) Address the issue Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Material Utilisation, Page 146 b) R educe or avoid the impact or improve efficiency Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Material Utilisation, Page 146 EPR04 Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid pollution: a) Unquantified, process targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Quantified targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR05 Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid waste: a) Unquantified, process targets Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Page 142 Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Waste Management, Page 143 b) Quantified targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR06 Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid resource use: a) Unquantified, process targets Minimising Environment Impact, Maintaining our Environmental Stewardship, Material Utilisation, Page 146 b) Quantified targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR07 Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid pollution: a) Unquantified, process targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Quantified targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR08 Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid waste: a) Unquantified, process targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Quantified targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR09 Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid resource use: a) Unquantified, process targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Quantified targets Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR10 Disclosure of three years of water (effluent) discharge: a) Total amount Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Quality and destination Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR11 Disclosure of three years of raw material used (tonnes): a) Total Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report b) Total by type Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report EPR12 Independent verification of operational environmental data: a) Independent verification by third party Minimising Environment Impact, Page 133 b) I nternational assurance standard used and level of assurance declared Information unavailable. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX FTSE4GOOD CONTENT INDEX p.410 p.411 UEM EDGENTA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION