2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

PROPERTY & FACILITY SOLUTIONS • Development Advisory • Design & Build Consultancy • Energy Engineering Management • Smart Facilities Management • Digitisation Management • Sanitisation and Disinfection Treatment We of fer per formance-based approaches , suppor ted by technology-dr iven green bui lding solut ions and data-dr iven asset management wi th a focus on asset opt imi sat ion and energy solut ions . KEY FOCUS AREAS KEY INITIATIVES & RESULTS CONTINUED DIFFERENTIATION OF SERVICE OFFERINGS VIA TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS AND DIGITAL PLATFORMS • Secured FM services contract with CIMB • Sustainability & Asset Lifecycle Cost solutions • Assisted SMEs in procuring lift systems, adopting the Building Management System, as well as Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning solutions • Broaden income stream via solutioning in sanitisation & disinfection services to existing and new clients • Participated and garnered industry visibility in the Malaysian Real Estate Investment Trust Forum 2020 organised by the Malaysian REIT Managers Association and the Asia Pacific Real Estate Association Panel discussion on ‘How Technology and Data is Changing the Property Market’ Results Results • Expanded business footprint into high- value commercial Integrated Facilities Management contracts including industrial based buildings, Energy Performance Contracting and technology- based solutioning • Mobilised new contracts amid MCO and Conditional MCO (“CMCO”) with CIMB and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS • Held a series of safety talks to enhance employees’ engagement and awareness in the areas of safety and health PENETRATE GROWTH MARKETS AND ENGAGEMENT 82 Management Discussion & Analysis UEM EDGENTA BERHAD B. BUSINESS REVIEW