2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

INTERNAL STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT WHY IT IS IMPORTANT Engaged employees are more satisfied at work, productive and invested in the company, therefore actively seek to contribute towards the company’s objectives and goals. VALUE CREATION MEASUREMENT • Lower turnover rate • High employee engagement score • Greater productivity OPPORTUNITIES • Leverage initiatives to support organisational shift towards a more digital culture as a means to engender greater engagement • Continue with online engagement platforms developed in light of work from home even once most employees return to work at the office OUR RESPONSE We conduct engagement surveys to gauge our effectiveness in connecting with employees. Feedback from the surveys will become our action plans to improve employee experience through various key initiatives and programmes. UNSDGs: Capitals Impacted: WHY IT IS IMPORTANT We value the well-being of our people, hence place the greatest priority on ensuring their health and safety are safeguarded. This is especially important in job functions that are inherently more hazardous than others. VALUE CREATION MEASUREMENT • Reduced safety incidents • Reduced lost time due to injury • Zero fatalities OPPORTUNITIES • Create a culture of safety via constant training and monitoring • Ensure our own and contractors’ employees have the appropriate training and skills to undertake their work safely • Leadership team to demonstrate commitment to safety via regular site visits and talks/ engagements with employees • In 2020, we extended our routine HSSE measures to ensure all employees continued to remain safe and productive throughout the pandemic OUR RESPONSE Introduced ‘Goal Zero’ where we strive to achieve zero work-related accidents, injuries and illness. In response to the pandemic, we adopted all SOPs issued by Government while developing our own COVID-19 Resource Centre for easy reference by employees. We also placed greater emphasis on employees’ mental well-being. Capitals Impacted: UNSDGs: HEALTH & SAFETY ANNUAL REPORT 2020 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8