2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

• People are one of our greatest assets and key pillars of success in executing the Edgenta of the Future strategy. Having acquired and merged from different companies in the past, our workforce has grown more diverse. Legacy cultures and ways of working are deep rooted that could lead to a lack of cohesive culture • O rganisation-wide, we see technology as a key enabler and the biggest game changer which will allow us to productise existing technology solutions, develop digital healthcare solutions, optimise resources, reduce costs, increase productivity and improve our offerings for better outcomes • D ue to growing connectivity of our systems, there is an increased risk of exposure to cyber threats that emerge in cybersphere, malicious threats to corporate cloud network, breach of information security, compromised data integrity, privacy and prolonged disruption of IT ecosystem Context Context • We are establishing an Employee Value Proposition to offer the best experience for our employees in exchange for productivity and high performance. We not only hire the right talent, but also retain the best talent by continuously benchmarking against competitive industry practices • A holistic people strategy and UEM Edgenta-wide culture change programme via our new core values, FIRST, will be undertaken to ensure the desired culture is robustly managed and sustained over time • To build a future-ready and digital-savvy workforce, the Edgenta Academy is well-positioned to upskill and reskill our people, equipping them with new talents and knowledge in digital learning • We look at company-wide security planning by implementing cyber security solutions that cover the network, application, information, end-user and data security. This includes the enhancement of cloud security, monitoring of critical information, security control (utilising infrastructure security protection solutions via firewall, anti-spam/virus) and continuous awareness programmes • We undertake self-assessments in identifying gaps via security posture assessments and seek ways to improve our technology and digital solutions and user experience Mitigation Mitigation PEOPLE RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM RISK Obtaining and fostering an engaged talented team that has the knowledge, training, skills and experience to deliver our strategic objectives is vital to our success. Common challenges are to upskill and reskill our people as well acquire and retain the right talents (including digital skill set) who are able and motivated to deliver value for our stakeholders. Information Technology infrastructure, security of confidential data and information in technology systems might be exposed to cybersecurity risk caused by cyber-attacks, weak defence systems, improper maintenance, ageing applications or system overload, among others. Risk Description Risk Description Capitals Impacted Transformation Pillars Transformation Pillars Capitals Impacted ANNUAL REPORT 2020 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8