2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

THE KEY ACTIONS WE HAVE IMPLEMENTED TO DATE Value Chain Partners Society Our service ecosystem includes strategic partners who play a key role in supporting us to provide best-in-class services to our clients. • We regularly reached out to our service partners virtually, communicating updates on new protocols and HSSE- related matters to ensure compliance and alignment at the front lines • Our digital procurement system was rolled out in April 2020, allowing us to manage critical operations and financial data efficiently and effectively from each work location while enhancing spend management and budget controls • Vendor management and development initiatives such as the Bumiputera Vendor Development Programme (“BVDP”) continued with existing and potential partners to boost their market competitiveness and value As the ‘caretaker of caretakers’, our services directly impact the lives of people and communities. During these challenging times, we are going beyond our norm to ensure society’s well-being is also taken care of. • We developed digital healthcare solutions such as the Epidemic Management System for MoH Malaysia and the National CPRC to efficiently manage and monitor daily data from hospitals and quarantine centres nationwide • Our experience in delivering essential front line services culminated in the online publishing of the UEM Edgenta COVID-19 Business Solutions brochure which provides the market with convenient access to solutions that help address their safety concerns • We provided direct aid to communities living within our operations, while supporting the relief work of organisations such as MERCY Malaysia and the Malaysian Red Crescent Society Employees Clients Every effort has been made to ensure the safety, health and well- being of our more than 20,000 employees across six countries in the region, as they continued to deliver our services. • Following the Malaysian Government’s MCO which allowed only essential businesses to keep their physical locations open, we immediately implemented flexible work arrangements for our corporate employees. Subsequently, Return-to-Work protocols and standard operating procedures (“SOPs”) were rolled out • For employees operating at work sites – such as healthcare facilities, highways, buildings and other assets under our care – we provided adequate personal protective equipment (“PPE”) daily and complied with all other SOPs. Training on new procedures enforced by Government authorities was provided as and when needed • Meals were catered for employees servicing clients at high-risk locations, to ensure they avoided leaving the workplace, thus not exposing themselves to further risks outside the clients’ premises • In recognition of their commitment, a special cash relief initiative was provided to employees delivering essential front line services • COVID-19 updates were communicated to all employees daily We partnered with our clients to ensure uninterrupted services at all our work sites. • At the onset of the pandemic, we worked with our clients to design and maintain new operational procedures based on national, local and industry regulatory requirements. These included the implementation of physical distancing, movement restrictions, the use of PPE for different types of tasks, and manpower deployment limitations, among others • At the height of the pandemic, we donated ventilators and patient monitoring systems to MoH Malaysia • We deployed manpower, services and engineering expertise as and when required, for example to set up quarantine centres and hybrid ICUs ANNUAL REPORT 2020 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8