2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

41. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONTD.) Notes Nature of adjustments and eliminations to arrive at amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements (contd.) E O ther material non-cash expenses/(income) consist of the following items as presented in the respective notes to the financial statements: RM’000 Notes 2020 2019 Reversal of deferred consideration arising from acquisition of subsidiary 5 – (5,320) Net gain on disposal of plant and equipment 7 (16) (34) Gain on disposal of asset held for sale 7 – (647) Property, plant and equipment written off 7 10 42 Impairment on financial assets: - Trade and other receivables 7 1,936 6,214 Reversal of impairment on financial assets: - Trade and other receivables 5 (4,231) (28,019) Bad debts written off 7 4,987 200 Defined retirement benefit obligations 8 353 231 Intangible assets written off 7 4 4 3,043 (27,329) UEM EDGENTA BERHAD 302 Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020