2020 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

41. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONTD.) Asset Management Infrastructure Solutions RM’000 Note Healthcare Support Property and Facility Solutions Infrastructure Services Asset Consultancy Others Elimination Group At 31 December 2020 Revenue External revenue 1,233,407 149,152 549,055 88,140 8,962 – 2,028,716 Inter-segment revenue A 3,851 14,506 – 1,392 87,695 (107,444) – Total revenue 1,237,258 163,658 549,055 89,532 96,657 (107,444) 2,028,716 Results EBITDA* 134,674 14,449 50,679 9,342 (90,102) 12,508 131,550 Depreciation and amortisation (49,008) (1,902) (13,366) (1,362) (14,118) (2,587) (82,343) EBIT** 85,666 12,547 37,313 7,980 (104,220) 9,921 49,207 Interest income 962 634 1,375 152 1,163 – 4,286 Interest expense (1,108) (4,592) (29) (17) (33,764) 17,193 (22,317) Share of results of associates 11,793 3,887 – 76 – – 15,756 Profit/(loss) before tax 97,313 12,476 38,659 8,191 (136,821) 27,114 46,932 Zakat – – (2,178) (189) – – (2,367) Income tax (expense)/benefit (13,179) (3,590) (10,349) (1,628) 1,798 (3,244) (30,192) Profit/(loss) after tax 84,134 8,886 26,132 6,374 (135,023) 23,870 14,373 Assets Segment assets B 850,452 461,093 607,326 633,092 857,730 (602,340) 2,807,353 Liabilities Segment liabilities B 440,762 313,267 258,604 66,696 1,052,996 (834,234) 1,298,091 Other segment information Capital expenditure C 37,739 86 4,936 68 44,705 (3,060) 84,474 Investments in associates 50,522 31,582 – 3,099 – – 85,203 Accretion of interest on concession receivable – (19,567) – – – – (19,567) Dividend income – – (1,008) (52) – – (1,060) Depreciation (Note 7) 32,150 1,880 11,566 1,362 10,378 (1,028) 56,308 Amortisation (Note 7) D 16,858 22 1,800 – 3,740 3,615 26,035 Non-cash expenses/(income) other than impairment, depreciation, and amortisation E 833 (3,121) 392 (1,531) 2,265 4,205 3,043 * Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation ** Earnings before interest and taxes ANNUAL REPORT 2020 299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8